Donald Trump Fears Going Vegan Will Kill His Brain Cells

Donald Trump, the former President of America, is famous for his entertaining habits and beliefs. Here’s one more. In 2019, a 9-year-old boy had challenged the former president to eat vegan for 30 days. But Trump refused to do so because he believed “it would kill his brain cells”.

Stephanie Grisham, the former Press Secretary of the White House during Trump’s presidential tenure, reveals the interesting encounter in her recent book. The young boy had begun to publicly challenge the ex-President using highway billboards and TV ads near the end of 2019.

If Trump had agreed, the boy’s charity promised to donate $1Mn to veterans. Grisham was the director of communications at that time. She had asked Trump if he would think about taking it on since it promised a large sum for the greater good.

Vegan Evan’s Hopes For Donald Trump

By now, almost everyone knows that Donald Trump loves his cheeseburgers and steaks, and it would only be for 30 days. However, the ex-president’s answer came swiftly and with a tone of seriousness. Trump said that veganism messes with brain and body chemistry. And that they would be doomed if he lost even a single brain cell. Take a look at the challenge:

The challenge was issued by Vegan Evan. The young vegan’s challenge was part of the “Make America Healthy Again” campaign. He represented Million Dollar Vegan, a non-profit organization. The deadline for giving an answer was 31st December 2019.

Vegan Evan hails from Florida in Melbourne. He had gone vegan when he was 5 years old when he got to know of his mother’s decision to become a vegan. He had told his mother that he does not want the food if animals are getting hurt. He considers veganism as a gift. So he thinks it’s a great gift for people because it makes them healthier and better while also protecting the planet and animals.


As to why he wanted Donald Trump to take up the challenge, the answer was simple: Trump is very famous and can reach many people. So if someone like him does it, a lot of his followers would have done it too. Other kids also had similar views during the campaign:

Trump’s Unique Relation With Fast Food

Donald Trump is famous for loving fast food. It was once reported that his Oval Office desk had a special button for ordering a can of Diet Coke. In 2017, Trump had reportedly drunk 12 Diet Coke cans in one day. The physician of the White House had cautiously advised that it would be beneficial for Trump to have a diet having fewer carbohydrates and fat. Reportedly, the items he enjoys are pizza, KFC, and McDonald’s. The former President had also served fast food during receptions at the White House.

Corey Lewandowski, a former aide of Donald Trump, revealed that Trump would not eat for about 14 to 16 hours. He would then have 2 Big Macs, 2 Filet-O-Fish sandwiches, as well as 1 small McDonald’s chocolate milkshake. The total number of calories consumed would be 2,430. However, in 2018, a report by Bloomberg revealed that Donald Trump included soup and salads in his diet, as he got worried about his health.


As for veganism, a 2019 article in Scientific American observed that lifelong vegans and vegetarians have less risk of getting dementia when compared to meat-eaters. Moreover, there is little proof supporting Donald Trump’s claims about veganism. So far, there is little evidence suggesting that a vegan diet or being vegetarian harms the brain’s functions, let alone outright kills brain cells.

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

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