Artist Illustrates The Simple Ways She Knows She’s Loved, And You’ll Definitely Relate

By  Amanda Froelich Truth Theory

Hollywood movies portray love in a fantastical way. And at the same time, they don’t do the phenomena justice. Let me try to explain…

Many people would likely agree that the moments which inspire fondness for their significant other occur during seemingly normal — if not even boring — times. For example, after waking up, you notice your partner is asleep and the peaceful way they inhale and exhale makes you smile. It’s normal, it’s boring, and at the same time, it’s everything you could need in that moment. (It’s love!)

Movies produced in Hollywood, on the other hand, make love seem as if it has to be earned. After the heroes brave danger, they recognize that the other person isn’t all that bad, and the smooching begins. It’s exciting, and so, so flawed.

One individual who recognizes what love is really about is Lynn Choi. Recently, the Auckland-based artist shared seven illustrations which capture the heartwarming “everyday” experiences we all share with those we love. From Netflix binge-watching sessions to lazy Sunday mornings, they affirm that the best moments are often found in the simplest of situations.

Learn more about the artist on Instagram:

“Waking up in the morning to find you making breakfast for me”

“Having you as my personal feeding assistant while working at home”

“Keeping me safe and warm, even when I have bad dreams”

“Keeping me entertained when it’s Saturday afternoon and there’s nothing else to do”

“Sharing takeout while catching up on our Netflix time”

“You somehow manage to make every activity a blast”

“Even waiting for the bus is a little more fun with you”

What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news!

Source: Bored Panda

Read more: What Happens To Your Body And Brain When You Fall In Love

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