Adorable Video Shows Curious Baby Elephant Trying On Caretaker’s Sandals

Baby Elephant trying to figure out how to wear sandals Szukaj w Google

By Mandy Froelich / Truth Theory

If you need a laugh this Friday, look no further. At the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand, a baby elephant attempted to try on her caretaker’s sandals. Fortunately for us all, the event was recorded. 

This video was uploaded by Save the Elephant Foundation. From the start, the adorable pachyderm appears to be very curious about the caretaker’s sandals. She pesters him until, finally, he takes off the flippers for her to try on. The baby elephant then tries to wear the sandals on both her trunk and feet.

Elephants are known to have strong interpersonal bonds and complex communication skills. Furthermore, their empathetic qualities and intelligence are well-documented. This funny video is a reminder of the mammal’s soft side. 

As OneGreenPlanet reports, the Save the Elephant Foundation is dedicated to preserving the Asian elephants. If you would like to ensure future generations have the opportunity to meet and interact with the incredible mammals, learn more about elephant conservation (and possibly consider making a donation) on the Save Elephant Foundation website here.

Watch the video below:

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h/t OneGreenPlanet

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