Zoomers to Boomers: Teenagers Create Online Shopping Service For Isolated Seniors

By Anthony McLennan / Truth Theory

A group of Californian teenagers have created an online shopping delivery portal to assist senior citizens who are isolating themselves from the coronavirus.

After his school closed, Daniel Goldberg found himself sitting around at home, frustrated that there was little to keep him constructively busy.

A junior student-athlete at San Marcos High in Santa Barbara, Daniel’s father Dr. Brian Goldberg is an ER doctor at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital.

“I saw my dad going into work at the ER every day and he was putting himself out on the front line,” he said, “I was just sitting at home twiddling my thumbs. I was like: ‘There has to be something I can do to try help out in the community.’ I started thinking and brainstorming on how I can help.”

Zoomers helping Boomers

That brain-storming resulted in the formation of the Zoomers to Boomers website.

Zoomers represent ‘Generation Z’ (loosely, people born between 1995 and 2010) – in this case Daniel and his team of 18 friends.

Boomers are roughly defined as individuals born between 1946 and 1964.

“We are Generation Z and we are here to help. Easy, fast, and safe grocery delivery for the elderly and immunocompromised,” reads a statement on their website.

After going on to the website, senior citizens can place their grocery orders and expect delivery within two days.

When the delivery arrives, cash, check, or Venmo payments are made. There is no delivery fee, and tips are not necessary.

They are currently operating online shopping for seniors in 10 cities all over the United States. These include Honolulu, Salt Lake City, Miami, Denver and Los Angeles.

Safety precautions

The Zoomer to Boomer team are adhering to safety standards by wearing N95 masks and gloves.

Elderly folk are most susceptible to contracting the coronavirus and succumbing to the disease. Therefore it is especially dangerous for them to go out shopping.

Which is why the Zoomers to Boomers initiative is such an important one.

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And Daniel and his friends are not the young people helping society.

For example, Anna Swenson (16), is running a similar delivery service for the elderly in Waynesboro, Virginia.

In another case, a Carroll Gardens high schooler,  Maeve Foley, 17, has set up a service in Brooklyn, New York.

Image Credit: Zoomers To Boomers

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