This Little Known Healing Method Helps People Overcome Addiction, Depression And Trauma

By Mike Sygula / Truth Theory 

Julia Nguyen is a personal development coach, hypnotherapist and a Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner. She is helping her clients with overcoming blocks in their lives. Her expertise ranges from anxiety and confidence issues to areas like depression and addiction. I heard about the creator of Rapid Transformational Therapy – Marisa Peer before. I have watched some of her interviews in the past, what struck me is some of the claims she made about how people with massive addiction problem could be healed in a few short sessions. I thought, I would like to know if this is really true and here I met Julia, who is using this exact method regularly with her clients.

I decided to conduct an interview with her and find out more…

Firstly, I would like to know more about Rapid Transformational Therapy. What makes it different from other treatments for depression, addiction or anxiety? 

RTT is amazing because it works fast, is natural, and comes with no side effects. It helps you get to the root cause of a problem rapidly and extract it. Once we can find the root cause, we can effectively and rapidly release any beliefs formed from that root cause.

Using RTT we have the ability to access the subconscious mind allowing us to uncover, reprogram and upgrade limiting beliefs, and find the root cause of any mental or physical issue, pattern or behavior providing complete freedom and healing.

My areas of specialty are Confidence, Self-Esteem, Money Blocks, Public Speaking, Fear of Visibility, Procrastination, Self-Sabotage, Anxiety and Depression.

RTT works on a wide range of issues, including but not limited to:  Anxiety, Depression, Addictions, Pain Control, Infertility, Insomnia, Weight Loss, Fears & Phobias, Motivation, Procrastination, Compulsive Behavior, Chronic Stress, Confidence, Money Blocks, Bad Habits and more… 

From what I understand, every mental issue has its root cause in some events that happened in the past? Could you elaborate more on that? Where do these limiting beliefs come from? Also, how physical issues are related to mental blocks?


From my experience, most people develop mental health issues due to a variety of different factors. Past traumatic events in their life are usually one of the main contributing factors.
The first seven years of a child’s development is an extremely important time. Most children experience some type of traumatic event which can range from being neglected, criticized, invalidated, verbal or sexual abuse. Because the child is unable to process the trauma at this age, they internalize it through creating a belief related to these events that happened, the belief usually breaks down to the idea that “I am not enough” or “I am not loved” or “The world is not safe.” This belief becomes embedded in the child’s mind, carrying on into adulthood, forever altering the person’s experience of the world. These internalizations can lead to anxiety, depression, or low self-esteem and a range of limiting beliefs that the person begins to operate from. Most people will carry on with their lives not realizing how these beliefs can affect their daily lives and decisions.  This comes back to the root problem of the internalization of these experiences that manifest in the subconscious. As adults, we are better able to process traumatic events, although this is not always the case especially if we developed learned helplessness or never had access to learn healthy coping mechanisms. 

When you think a thought it causes a biochemical reaction in your body. The thought will signal a release of hormones and chemicals in your body. The hormones are detrimental to your health if you are thinking negative thoughts constantly because it causes stress to the body. Thus if we are constantly operating from a negative belief system, we will ultimately affect our physical health. When we are thinking negative thoughts we are releasing hormones that will induce the stress response in our bodies. Prolonged stress in the body can lead to physical illnesses that will manifest as a result.  

Could you also explain how the treatment looks like, how long it might take? 


With RTT, we can access the events we have endured that led us to this deeply ingrained belief through hypnosis and regression. There are three parts to the therapy; hypnosis, regression, and positive suggestions (recorded for the client to listen to for 30 days). During regression, we review past memories and tie them together to understand how these memories formed a negative belief. Then the client is able to have clarity on how they developed their negative beliefs, this revelation leads to an understanding that is enough to cause a shift in their perspective, that they are no longer a helpless child or victim. Additionally, there are a few other tools we can use in RTT to transform the client’s beliefs. After the session, the client is sent home with a hypnosis recording which they have to listen to for 30 days. The recording is filled with positive suggestions that help reinforce and ingrain the new positive beliefs and changes we made during the session. RTT can be done in person or online. It is effective both ways due to the nature of the therapy. 

Could you also share an example of a story of a client that had their life transformed with your help and RTT? 


One of my clients came to me because she was struggling with alcohol addiction and depression. While we were doing her RTT session, we uncovered events during her childhood where she was bullied. As we were reviewing these scenes that came up during the regression, she discovered that she had a deep-rooted belief that she felt that she was different than everyone else. Because she felt different, she was unable to cope with reality without using alcohol. The alcohol helped her numb the pain of feeling different from everyone else. This feeling of being different caused her to isolate herself which fueled her depression. Once we finished our session, she had a better understanding of how depression and alcohol abuse developed in her life. Having this new understanding as well as developing new positive beliefs helped her release the belief that she is different and does not belong. 30 days after our session, she is still free from using alcohol and has messaged me that she finally “knew there is a chance of a better future for [her].”  

Ok, That’s amazing, thank you for sharing it all with us.
How can people reach out to you if they want to learn more about RTT?


You can contact me with any questions about RTT below:

If you struggle with any of the issues mentioned, you can reach out to me for a free 30-minute consultation call HERE

Check out Julia’s website:

And make sure you follow her on Instagram

Image credit: 123RF

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