These Alarming Posts Shows How Bad The Student Debt System Is Affecting People

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory
The student debt – if you are someone living in America, you are probably getting suffocated under its pressure. If you are someone outside, you are just confused about how this system works. The student debt is a travesty – it’s representative of the broken education system of the USA.  

Read this: Billionaire Stuns 400 Graduates, Promises To Pay All $40 Million Of Their Student Loan Debt

The inflation trends have affected the student debt so much so that even graduates end up spending decades to pay off a debt that they took to initiate their college days. It is a hot topic that is coming up often during this 2020 elections, but let’s leave the politician’s hassle to the politicians. The real victims are the students and surveys show it too. A recent study shows that 2019 may turn out to be the worst year for student loans with the borrowers owing over 1.5 trillion dollars in student loans. A College Board survey has reported that the inflationary rates have tripled between 2007 to 2018.

But let’s leave the statistics alone. Look at what the real people, who are victims of this debt trap, say about it.

Let’s hope we can secure the future of our future generation by getting rid of this systemic evil.

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