Police Officer Responds With Pictures To Images Woman Shared Of Him Taking Selfies With His Service Dog

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Suddenly netizens are all going gaga over this cute incident where a woman captured an officer taking selfies with his service dog in Texas. Zigi the service dog was with Officer Andre Cloyd at the Love Field Airport when this woman captured the duo posing for selfies.

officer taking selfies with his service dog

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Gina Anzaldua Stevenson uploaded the candid moment on Dogspotting Society, a Facebook group, where she explained how Cloyd showed each image to Zigi after taking the selfies with his service dog. When the post went viral, it was discovered that Zigi the 3 and a half years old German Shepherd was Cloyd’s K9 partner.

selfies with his service dog

As the post received love and attention from across the globe, Officer Cloyd soon came to know about how his moments were captured and shared online. Soon there was a rising demand to see the end result of the selfies. 

“They captured what’s just everyday life for us. We weren’t doing anything special,” the officer explained. “We take photos together, we watch movies together, we go to the gym together.”

“To get paid to do something you’ve loved since the age of four, it’s a privilege, definitely. Zigi’s the star, but even more so, we’re just a small piece of a unit, a department and a law enforcement community that does everything we can to ensure the safety of the passengers.”

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Cloyd went ahead and shared online the selfies with his service dog he had taken that day. And the duo is beyond adorable! All puppy lovers agree, right? We hope to see more such selfies and learn of the adventures of Zigi!

Image Credit: Gina Anzaldua Stevenson & Andre Cloyd

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