Plastic Trash Solutions For The Planet – Carbon Cycle – EarthCycle

By Dakota Kaiser

Humanity finally has an easily implementable solution for the overwhelming amount of trash, plastic and landfills littered across the world.

By combining the latest wave of pyrolysis technology with the CarbonCycle business engine and the EarthCycle funding pool, we finally have the means to address and resolve the waste produced by humankind in a way that produces value, profit, and energy; rather than older methods that constantly require nonprofit and government funding.

Read on for more details on this problem, and the solution that we finally have access to.

Oceans are consumed with over 5.25 trillion plastic pieces of trash, with 8 million tons more being added every year. Nearly a third of 78 million tons of plastic produced is dumped into the ocean, with the figure is expected to double by 2030 and quadruple by 2050. Nearly 25% of all fish contain plastic, which then contaminate other marine animals that survive on fish, and the human population who eats them as well.

The world generates 2.6 trillion pounds of garbage a year, with the most popular destination being landfills. These landfills create a unique environmental and health hazard, with the release of both toxic chemical exposure and pollutants that leach into the ground and water. Exposure to hydrogen sulphide was shown to be 6 times higher for people living close to landfills and is attributed to an increase in lung cancer and other debilitating respiratory illnesses. A different toxic cocktail blend can also be leached into the Earth, including mercury, lead, PCBs, pesticides, fire retardants and greenhouse gases such as methane which is 84 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

This is a systemic, global nuisance with developing countries and developed countries sharing equal sides of the blame. Developing nations, such as African countries that do not have the money to dispose or collect trash properly, due to 20-50% of their budget being spent on waste alone. Other countries that can afford waste management, have very lenient measures to prevent pollution. China, for example, is responsible for poisoning their own citizens from their poor waste management despite their capability and culpability. Nearly 85% of Chinese waterways were undrinkable in 2015, showing a huge concern for the citizens that need those local waters for agriculture and sustenance. The U.S. is not too far away from China’s standard with nearly 40% of U.S. lakes being too polluted for aquatic life or swimming. This is culminating into a global epidemic.

Some countries and many initiatives are rejecting this current waste-paradigm such as Sweden, who is championing waste-to-energy technology. Instead of ending up in a landfill, 98% of Sweden’s waste is utilized to generate energy.

Even more revolutionary means to recycling garbage are coming to fruition: Pyrolysis; a relatively new technology holds the key to a unique, sustainable solution to creating energy “gold” from garbage. Pyrolysis cooks municipal solid waste, plastic, and sewage under a vacuum to create basic fuel sources such as carbon, biochar, and methane gas.

CarbonCycle, a USA based company has developed a series of patented technologies that enables 98% of all industrial, agricultural, and urban waste to be converted into energy, biofuel and biochar, while creating 0.00% toxic emissions.

CarbonCycle’s model produces 30-70% annual return on investment by selling produced energy and products at a fraction of the cost of the local market value.

CarbonCycle, in collaboration with EarthCycle: a international decentralized resource pool for green positive change businesses, has created a franchise like model that allows our facilities to be built and managed anywhere in the world.

Every landfill in the world could use a CarbonCycle facility to create multiple times more annual profit, while reducing the amount of environmental toxicity and stored waste to 2%.

The EarthCycle fund intends to build CarbonCycle facilities on aircraft carriers to start gathering and processing plastic and other garbage that is floating in our oceans, such as the Pacific Ocean “Trash Island”.

Learn more about CarbonCycle and other world changing solutions at

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Image credit: whitcomberd / 123RF Stock Photo


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