Man Gets Donations After Putting Car Up For Sale To Pay For Dog’s Surgery

By John Vibes / Truth Theory

A dog owner named Randy Etter, nearly sold his car to pay for medical bills for his dog Gemini. Randy says that Gemini is his best friend, and has been an important part of his life since the dog was a puppy. One day when Gemini was playing, he swallowed something that he wasn’t supposed to and ended up getting very sick

“He just started to slow down and I didn’t think that was normal, just laying beside me and following me everywhere. I just felt like he was saying, ‘Help me.’” Randy told The Dodo.

Things got progressively worse for Gemini after that, and Randy took the dog to numerous different vets trying to figure out what was wrong. Sadly, Randy had to take so much time off work that he ended up losing his job.

“I lost my job driving vet to vet to vet and it just seemed like I wasn’t gonna get anywhere or get him the help he needed in time. It was truly one of the scariest things I had to deal with,” Randy explained.

After running around to various different vets, Randy finally found one that was able to find out what was wrong. Randy was happy to make some progress, but the vet told him that it would cost at least $4,500 to remove a blockage in Gemini’s body that was threatening his life. This was not the kind of cash that Randy had laying around, so he decided to sell one of his most valuable assets, his car.

“I was gonna spend every dollar made from the car sale on his surgery. I would be devastated if I lost my best friend,” Randy said.

When friends, family members, and neighbors realized that he lost his job and was putting his car up for sale, they begin to donate money for the surgery.

Randy ended up getting a few thousand dollars from a friend, and then a local charity called The S.O.A.R Initiative (Street Outreach Animal Response) was able to raise an additional $3,000. Thanks to all of the help, Gemini was able to have his surgery, which was a success.

Gemini is expected to make a full recovery, and Randy is extremely grateful for all of the help that he received during this ordeal.

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“It means the world to me. He’s my best friend. He’s always there for me, I just wanted to be able to return the favor and be there for him,” Randy said.


Photo Credit: Randy Etter

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