“Kind” Whale Returns Phone To Woman Who Accidentally Dropped It Into Sea

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Well, what do we have here? A lesson in kindness, maybe? Anyway, after years and years of mercilessly killing whales for our own good, this news is indeed surprising. The news in question is that of a beluga whale who became the savior of a woman’s cell phone after it fell into a waterfront at Hammerfest, Norway. Incidentally, the beluga whale was a stranger that suddenly appeared in the scene. It was harnessed and was reported to be trained by Russia. An underwater spy who defected? A KGB agent, maybe? Unlike most fictional Russian spies though, this whale actually has a heart and is quite considerate. When it was freed from the harness, it stayed there without any intention of leaving.

Ina Mansika was trying to spot the ‘spy’ but went through a completely different experience. She leaned too close to the water and before she could notice her phone slipped out of her jacket and dropped in the water. And then, the whale came to her rescue like The Spy Who Loved Me. Imagine her joy when the whale retrieved the now inoperable cell phone She believed the phone was gone forever.  But after a while, this now famous whale got it back to her, keeping it in his snout. Mansika loves animals, and she exclaimed that the whale was extremely generous, a statement we all share.


Beluga whales have grown so accustomed to humans that it is not difficult for them to survive outside human contact. That might account for their friendliness. As per the Washington Post, the marine authority of Norway is considering finding the whale a sanctuary in the Icelandic waters, where it was probably taken from. And honestly, it would be the least they could do for this whale, given that it did the same- showed an emotion that was simply thought to be human.

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