Hero BLM Protester Delivers Powerful Statement On Why He Saved Counter Protester’s Life

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Events on 25th May 2020, which highlighted police brutality and resulted in George Floyd’s death, have reignited the issue of racial inequality and injustice. With the pandemic still ongoing, millions have stormed the social media world, and many have taken to the streets to protest racism all over the world. An intense incident occurred in one of London’s protests, where Patrick Hutchinson is being called a Black Lives Matter protester hero. 

Read: Here Is What Happened When A Black Lives Matter Showed Up At A Trump Rally

On Saturday, as BLM demonstrators began their rallying when far-right protesters started countering their rally. The situation became tense quickly, and one middle-aged white man got injured. Patrick saw the man being left alone by his friends. And since the crowd was getting chaotic, he picked the counter-protester upon his shoulder and walked him to safety where the police were stationed. 

Black Lives Matter Protester Hero Says He Wanted The Cause Of BLM To Be Highlighted

Martial artist and a personal trainer, Patrick Hutchinson, in an interview with BBC, said that he wanted the protest to be remembered for its beliefs of equality and racial harmony. He added that any violence would have derailed the entire movement. Hutchinson said that he did just what he had to do. 

In a powerful message, he drew a comparison of his actions with the inaction of the Minneapolis police authorities. Hutchinson said that if only the standing police officers had intervened when George Floyd was being suffocated, the attempted arrest would not have resulted in Floyd’s death. 

He further added that his reason for joining the protests was because he wants equality, justice, and fairness for all, and especially for the future generations. 

Hutchinson’s Friends Speak Out

BLM protests on Saturday were disrupted by anti protesters when Patrick Hutchinson and his friends helped an anti protester to return to safety. 

Read: Protesters Who Attend Black Lives Matter Rallies In Australia Face Imprisonment And $1000 Fine

A businessman, Pierre Noah, said that he and his friends had to attend the protests to keep the peace. He added that he lost sleep, because, if anything violent had happened, the news would have been misconstrued as BLM protesters being reckless and violent. 

Jamaine Facey said that in helping the anti demonstrator, he was only trying to protect black lives and the future of people of color. 

A Fight By The Blacks And The Whites Against Racism

The Black Lives Matter protester hero posted in his Instagram account that the movement is not anti-white but anti-racism. 


Photos from the protest went viral, and many applauded Hutchinson’s heroic efforts. 

The Labour MP from Leicester East, Claudia Webbe, lauded Hutchinson’s humanity and called him a national hero. 

The Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, criticized the right-wing counter-protesters and called the incident an issue of racist thugs. Rishi Sunak, the chancellor, also condemned the scene as disgusting and shocking. 

Similar protests happened in other parts of the UK. Demonstrations in Bristol and Bolton proceeded peacefully. 

In these seemingly dividing times, the Black Lives Matter protester hero stands for unity between people of all color against racial inequality and injustice. 

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Image Credits: iampatrickhutchinson

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