Its Freedom Time: Only Those With A Slave Mind Can Be Held Down

BLuke Miller Truth Theory

It is time to be free people! Here is why:

The are some very significant events that have been happening globally over the last few years, with things really ramping up over the last few months. Globally places that have consistently been oppressed are standing up and freeing themselves from their slave masters.

A lot of it looks like a mess, and truth be told it is- pharmaceutical companies are killing more people than they are saving. War is being sold for peace. Wage slavery is being put forward for freedom. Bankers are stealing our money. News companies are misinforming the public. Lawyers have become criminal. Public education for the most part is indoctrination. Political leaders cannot be trusted. Our food has become poison. Our water a commodity. Air is barely breathable. Sexuality has become taboo. Violence is okay, as long as they don’t look like us, and we have become more compartmentalised than ever.

Our environment is for sale. Even if the price is life itself. Slavery is still happening. Even in the developed world. Everything is for sale- including love or the illusion of love. People are dieing because of skin pigmentation and those of other skin pigmentation don’t know or don’t care. Beneficial natural substances are illegal. Addictive chemicals are freely available. Shelter is owned mostly by a very small group of people and the rest of us slave away to try to gain the stability of shelter.

Love and fear are the biggest emotional drivers. Most are choosing fear. Children have become sexualised by media. Sexual abuse is far to common. Men abuse women on a monumental scale, and while women can also be abusive, it is far less common. Equality doesn’t exist. Hate is more common than love. Murder is normal, only we call it collateral damage.

Children die for the petrol in our cars. Children die for the opiates we call medicine. Children die for a wedding ring. Children die for coffee. Children die for our cheap clothes. Children die for chocolate bars. Children starve so we can over eat. Our planet dies for flat pack furniture. Animals die so we can throw away half the meat they produce. Ocean floors are being destroyed. Holy lands have become bloodbaths. Resources more valuable than life. God is the biggest reason to kill.

Alcohol has become the bridge for our poor social skills. Society has become out of touch with reality and those who are in touch with reality have been labeled crazy. Sugar is a drug, yet most do not know it. Creativity has become a luxury. Science has become the latest control method succeeding religion. Leaders are silenced. Followers are rewarded- but what they don’t realise is their perceived reward is actually a form of slavery.

Men die for pointless causes. Women die for pointless causes. Their children then die because of these causes. But men also die for meaningful causes. Women die for meaningful causes. Whose children could be free due to these causes.

Are you willing to die for your cause? Are you willing to die to be free? Are you willing to sacrifice yourself for the future generations?

Yes it looks like a mess, but of all the things I listed how many did you know to be true? Awareness is the start of any movement and as long as we keep spreading awareness ideas will grow. Life is complex as values differ between people, however, there are some very obvious morals that we can all distinguish as right or wrong. I don’t need to list them, you know them! It is time to be free, and they can only enslave you if you have a slave mind!

You can be put in a cage and maintain your freedom. But you can also have a fast car, a big house and a beautiful wife you have nothing in common with and you remain a slave. Everything exists in the mind and your mind is the only thing that can set you free.

It is time to be free!

Freedom comes when we realise we know nothing. The sun, the moon and the cosmos affects us more than we could ever imagine. We can all make a difference- a big difference. We have to choose love over fear. All races and religions are different, but ultimately we are the same. Life is a game, but the game has consequences. Love is empowering, control is disempowering. If you hate anything, you are living in fear. Facts are for the most part opinions. The ripple effect, can ripple infinitely. You can heal now, so your children don’t have to. Your decisions matter. You can be free. You are free. Time to be free.


I am Luke Miller the author of this article, and creator of Potential For Change. I like to blend psychology and spirituality to help you create more happiness in your life.Grab a copy of my free 33 Page Illustrated eBook- Psychology Meets Spirituality- Secrets To A Supercharged Life You Control Here

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