From Cancer Cures To Touch-Powered Flashlights: 5 Teen Inventors Who Changed The World

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

With technology continuously developing, and an entire world of information available from the opening of an internet browser, people are becoming smarter at younger ages. These teens have created unique inventions with their incredible brains and innovative minds.

Ann Makosinski created a flashlight that is powered by the touch of a hand when she was in high school. The innovative device uses a person’s body heat to power the LED light. The 16 year old came up with the idea after finding out that the human body produces energy that is equivalent to a 100 watt light bulb at any given moment. Therefore, energy that could be used to power devices is constantly being wasted. The new device, named the “hollow flashlight”, powers as soon as it is picked up, unlike any similar flashlights previously invented. She told The Oregon Herald, “I thought, why not body heat? We have so much heat radiating out of us and it’s being wasted”.

American student Eesha Khare created a futuristic device that can charge a mobile phone in just 20 seconds, when she was just 18 years old. The unique device, which awarded her a $50,000 prize at the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair, has the potential to retain the charge for a lot longer than current devices on the market. Current conventional rechargeable batteries last for around 1,000 cycles, whereas the new device can last for 10,000 charge-recharge cycles. Khare has since been contacted by some of the worlds’ most innovative technology companies about her invention, which she believes will one day be used to power cars and other major equipment.

15 year old British boy, Krtin Nithiyanandam, has developed a test for Alzheimer’s disease which has the potential to diagnose the condition 10 years before the first symptoms appear. Through the development of a ‘trojan horse’ antibody, he has created a way to penetrate the brain and attach the antibodies to neurotoxic proteins, which are present during the very early stages of the disease. These antibodies, which would be injected into the bloodstream, are also attached to the fluorescent particles which can be picked up on a brain scan. Since then, Nithiyanandam has also gone on to devise a way to make breast cancer more treatable, by aiding the deadly cancer cells into a differentiated form by blocking a protein named ID4. In their differentiated form, the deadly cells will respond a lot better to the drug treatment to cure the disease.

13 year old Californian Shubham Banerjee started up a company that is able to print Braille from low-cost machines, using lego bricks that he spent time experimenting with every evening. After finding out that the majority of Braille printers, called embossers, cost at least $2,000, Banerjee wanted to build a machine to do the same job for a price that a lot more people could afford. He has named his company Braigo, which is a name that combines Braille and Lego, and hopes that his invention is a huge help to the blind community. He has won numerous awards for his work and his business is now running successfully.

When Kelvin Doe was just 11 years old he built his own radio station using items that he found in the garbage. After this, he continued to make recycled inventions and made batteries, an FM transmitter, a sound amplifier, a three-channel mixer and a mic receiver, all from items that others had thrown away. Using discarded metals and cables, he was able to broadcast news, music, and even began to DJ. Years on, Doe is now 20 years old and runs his own company called KDoe-Tech Inc. He is consistently working on new inventions, including his latest gadgets which help people to trace lost mobile phones, and an emergency shoe charger.

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