Bernie Sanders Will Face Donald Trump In 2020 Election, Say Sources

By Amanda Froelich,
The 2020 election is bound to be a memorable one. Why? Because current U.S. President Donald Trump seeks to be re-elected. However, over half of the nation is hoping this does not occur. On the day of the election, people will visit the polls in droves, hoping their voice will matter in one of the most critical races of the century. Aside from Donald Trump, who else will be on the ballot? According to reputable sources, Senator Bernie Sanders.

A new poll by The Hill reveals that the 79-year-old activist is the leading contender for the Democratic party nominee. Said Democratic strategist Brad Bannon: “His people have never gone away. And he has a loyal core following out there that will be with him come hell or high water.”

As Yahoo News reports, it should come as no surprise Sanders is so popular. According to a recent Harvard-Harris poll, the politician is the “most popular” in America with an approval rating of 75 percent.

After losing the 2016 primary to Hillary Clinton, Sanders started touring the U.S. to promote his political group, Our Revolution, as well as his Medicare-for-all bill. Reportedly, advisers to the Vermont senator have hinted that considering running for president again. When a Sanders’ associate was asked if the team was thinking about another run, he replied: “Yes, is the answer.”

Sanders and his Democratic socialist ideals are now the “dominant wing of the party,” according to Bannon. Right now, one-third of Senate Democrats support his Medicare For All Act of 2017 which promotes a single-payer healthcare plan. When the bill was introduced in 2013, Sanders was hardly able to garner any support, reports Newsweek.

Other Democratic contenders for the 2020 presidential run include former Vice President Joe Biden, Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick, and Senators Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris and Sherrod Brown.

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