25 Tom Hardy Quotes That Will Bring More Wisdom To Your Life

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Tom Hardy, the charismatic British actor, has won the people’s hearts all over the world. He was already a well-known actor in Britain and making his mark in America by the early 2000s. However, when Christopher Nolan took him up, Tom started to shine in the hearts of the global audience. With major films like Inception and Dunkirk, he has shown his prowess as a fantastic actor. In Dark Knight Rises, he was Bane – an antagonist who stole our hearts. Tom Hardy does not have to prove his ‘skills’ in acting anymore.

He is not someone who shines in acting only. He is into social welfare and charity too. Notably, Tom Hardy has been against Animal Cruelty for a long time and raised his voice against it. Tom appeared in a PETA advertisement to promote the adoption of pets. He was the ambassador of the UK’s the Prince’s Trust which mentors vulnerable youths and tries to help them get back on the right path in life. He remains a true hero in real life too.

Also Read: Tom Hardy Campaigns Against Animal Cruelty In New TV Advert

Tom Hardy has his own personal lows too. He had been addicted to drugs at one point in his life. He had to go through rehab to recover. And just like a true hero, he did rise up. Nowadays, he is always trying to help other people in their path of life. Hardy has often made truly inspirational statements. Some of his beautiful quotes are:



  • “I’m not interested in walks in the parks. Anything difficult that people think I couldn’t play, I’m straight at it. If they say ‘Tom, don’t put your hand in the fire’, you know I’ll be coming out of casualty an hour later with third-degree burns and bandages up my arms.”
  • “Fame and stuff like that is all very cool, but at the end of the day, we’re all human beings. Although what I do is incredibly surreal and fun and amazing and I’m really grateful for it, I don’t believe my own press release, do you know what I mean? “
  • “I want to be the best at what I do.”
  • “I think it’s important that you always transform if you can. That’s what I was trained to do. You try and hide yourself as much as you can – that’s the key to longevity.”
  • “I’m from East Sheen, I went to public school where I learned Latin at the age of nine, and certain expectations were made of me to go to St. Paul’s, Oxbridge maybe, and all that kind of thing. And I failed systematically to meet the mark – who I am and what I should have been are two very different things.”
  • “We are survivors. We control the fear. And without the fear, we are all as good as dead.”
  •  “We’re all flawed human beings and we all have a cauldron of psychosis which we have to unravel as we grow older and find the way we fit in to live our lives as best as possible. “
  • “Spirituality seems to me to be for those who’ve been through hell.”
  • “Responsibility has a cost, and there’s no such thing as perfection.”
  • “You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.”
  •  “I wanted my dad to be proud of me, and I fell into acting because there wasn’t anything else I could do, and in it I found a discipline that I wanted to keep coming back to, that I love and I learn about every day.”
  • “It is not the violence that sets a man apart, it is the distance he is prepared to go.”
  • “There’s always a certain pride in getting the job done properly.”
  • “I’m from a nice, suburban, idle-class family, but my tattoos remind me where I’ve been.”
  • “I don’t fight really. I try not to fight, actually. I try not to react. I’m a Buddha floating on a lily pad.”
  •  “It doesn’t matter who you are. What matters is your plan.”
  • “There’s a long way to go on that, but I do believe that the time is now.”
  • “I have a very busy head. I have inside voices that I have learned to contain.”
  • “Intelligence is a very valuable thing, innit, my friend? And usually, it comes far too late.”
  • “I’m here to challenge myself and to see whether I can shapeshift in an environment that’s actually quite daunting, but which I think would be nice to shine a light into. The destination of any interesting drama is that you shine a light into a place that not many people know about.”
  • “The only thing I can do is brush my teeth, turn up, and do the best work I can.”
  • “In the end, there was nothing else I could do. I had a busy head and I didn’t really want to do things that I found boring. The only thing that kept my attention was to play and have fun and manipulate. I’ve always been a liar, always been able to manipulate. I pretty much get whatever I want.”
  • “I was ashamed of not having any relevance… not being comfortable in my own skin. Huge ego, very low self-esteem. A lot of anger and rage and fear. It would be, ‘I’m not going to feel frightened so I’ll strangle the biggest guy in the bar and then no one will f**k with me’. I’ll get tattoos and people will know I’m not afraid to hurt myself and they’ll be like warning signs.”
  • “So, somewhere between that acceptance and doing my homework and being competitive and having ambition and loving my job and observing and reflecting my society, that’s where I find the purpose. Because man needs purpose.”
  • “I was raised to treat the janitor with the same respect as the CEO”


Be inspired and set your path forward. Know that you can rise even from the darkest pit. Just follow the light!

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