“Trump Administration’s New Rules Promote Senseless Slaughter Of Alaska’s Most Iconic Wildlife”

By Anthony McLennan / Truth Theory

Black bears, wolves and coyotes are among the animals facing increasingly cruel deaths by hunters as the Trump administration finalizes a reversal of the 2015 Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act.


The cancellation of this act would allow trophy hunters to use all kinds of treacherous methods to lure out and kill their prey, including:

– Attracting and killing grizzly bears with bait, including junk food. Even if this means disturbing their hibernation.

– Using dogs to hunt bears.

– The use of artificial light to enter the dens of bears, wolves and coyotes. And the right to kill mothers, cubs and pups.

– Slaughtering swimming caribou and other animals from boats and planes.

The changes to the 2015 regulations were first drafted in 2018.

The new ruling is expected to be published in the Federal Register this week, and will be effective in a month’s time.

It will leave animals across Alaska’s 20 million acres of federal land and 10 natural preserves facing an uncertain future.

Read more: Proposed Alaska Mine Could Threaten Brown Bears Future

Senseless slaughter, amazingly cruel policy

Those in favor of the regulation change are arguing that it is necessary to cull the top predatory animals. Supposedly in order to allow the populations of caribou, moose and other game – which are also hunted – to flourish.

The alignment of state and federal regulations in Alaska is another of their arguments.

Conservationists however are concerned about the cruelty as well as the ecosystem damage.

Said Collette Adkins, carnivore conservation director at the Center for Biological Diversity:

“The Trump administration’s new rules promote the senseless slaughter of some of Alaska’s most iconic wildlife on the very preserves and refuges meant to protect biological diversity.

“It’s outrageous to bait and shoot brown bears and litter pristine public lands with cruel and indiscriminate traps.”

Jesse Prentice-Dunn, senior representative for the Sierra Club’s Responsible Trade Program, added: “This amazingly cruel policy is just the latest in a string of efforts to reduce protections for America’s wildlife at the behest of oil companies and trophy hunters.”

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Featured Image credit: PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay

Image 1 Credit: Sylvie Bouchard

Image 2 Credit: designpics

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