Instead Of Toys This 8-Year-Old Girl Got 600lbs Of Pet Food For Christmas To Donate To Shelters

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

8-year-old Landyn Wadsworth had a special request for her Christmas gift this time around. Unlike most kids her age, Landyn requested her parents to not get her the usual toys and other gifts. Instead, she asked them to give her money. She intended to buy provisions for homeless cats and dogs!

Landyn got what she wanted and bought 600 lbs of food for the animals in the Tri-Cities Animal Shelter, Pasco, Washington.

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The initiative of this girl was supported not only by her parents but by also those who heard of it. Many people donated generously to help this little girl provide food for the homeless animals in Pasco. The shelter shared on social media how Landyn’s Christmas wish came true and it was a blessing for the homeless animals as well. Even when these animals don’t have a warm family, at least they won’t go hungry for the coming months.

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Alisha, the mother of this generous little girl mentioned to KEPR, a local channel, how this is Landyn’s third year in a row doing this charity work. Landyn had gone to this shelter to pick up a furbaby for her home but was heartbroken to see so many animals homeless. So, ever since she was 5 years old, Landyn has been doing her bit for these homeless animals.

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While the 2019 drive was a success, Landyn has already started her preparations for Christmas 2020. The shelter has asked people that since their pantry is full for now, donations in cash would be more helpful. The shelter hopes to spay and neuter all the homeless animals and donations for the same will be appreciated.

Images: Tri-Cities Animal Shelter

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