Colin Kaepernick Celebrated His 32nd Birthday By Feeding The Homeless in Oakland

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

“America stands for freedom, liberty, and justice for all. And it’s not happening for all right now.” – Colin Kaepernick

He might be having a hard time on the professional front but that has not deterred the quarterback from contributing his bit for the community. Kaepernick’s 32nd birthday was spent among the dispossessed in Oakland, California. He gave away a whole truckload of food and other essentials to the residents of Tent City, Oakland’s sprawling camp of homeless people. Needless to say, he paid for all those who stopped by for a meal, reports TMZ.

Know Your Rights Camp, his foundation was with him in his effort and so was Nessa Diab, his girlfriend. Colin went around the camp since early morning giving out backpacks stuffed with various essentials like snacks, air masks, toiletries, socks, and other stuff.

Also read: TIME Lists Colin Kaepernick As Finalist For ‘Person Of The Year’ 2017

This is something Kaepernick has been doing every birthday. This is a day when he gives back to his community. He started his first camp and the camp event in 2016. That was the year he fell afoul of the authorities for his stand against injustice suffered by the African-American community and Hispanics. He spoke to dozens of kids of those communities about their rights and to make them aware of the subject of social injustice. He taught them about how policing works in the US and ways to get home safe without falling foul of the law.


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The former star of the San Francisco 49er has not played since 2016 and has yet to get any offers in spite of being at the peak of his career. It appears he fell foul of the authorities for his stand against racial injustice and systematic oppression against African Americans and Hispanics. His protests resulted in a wider protest movement.  President Trump’s assertion that the NFL should fire players who protest the national anthem only added fuel to the fire. It was obvious that Kaepernick was merely protesting against injustice. But it did not go down well with the entrenched racist system that hasn’t changed much since the time of Martin Luther King Jr.

Kaepernick’s representatives are dismayed that the quarterback is without a team at the prime of his career. His position has nothing to do with his ability as a player. One of his representatives, Jeff Nalley said that he contacted all 32 teams for an opportunity for the quarterback, but received no response. He said that such a thing has never happened in his 25 years as an agent.

Read: This Football Club Donated 3,000 Parcels Of Food To The Homeless After Their Match Was Canceled

Amnesty International awarded Kaepernick with their Ambassador of Conscience Award 2018 for his kneeling protest of racial injustice which began a sports movement. Amnesty International commended the athlete for his activism and refusal to ignore or accept racial discrimination. His fellow protestor and former teammate, Eric Reid, presented him with the award, reports NYTimes. Nelson Mandela is a former recipient of this award.

Things are stirring up a bit on the professional front as well for the exiled quarterback. The NFL, already under pressure for the collusion complaint has agreed to settle their differences. He is due for an audition for NFL teams this Saturday in a private workout in Atlanta. He says he has been in top physical condition for the last 3 years and can’t wait to get started. Whatever the outcome, he stands by his conviction and with the people who do not have a voice.

Image credit: yourrightscamp yesitskatia katiashotme 

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