Man With No Kids Pays Off Lunch Debt For Every Student in 9 Florida Schools

By Mandy Froelich / Truth Theory

Christmas came early for hundreds of students and their families in Palm Beach County. In recent weeks, a good samaritan who has no children of their own paid off all of the lunch debt for students attending 9 schools in Florida.

According to WPEC TV News, the man was inspired to take action after hearing that kids were being denied meals because they owed lunch money. “Food is something that you shouldn’t have to think about,” said Andrew Levy.

Levy feels so adamantly about this truth, he wrote a check to the Jupiter Public School district for $944.34. As GoodNewsNetwork reports, the single act of generosity created a chain reaction of kindness shortly after.

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After bringing all overdue accounts back to zero, the real estate agent posted about the issue on Facebook. Hundreds of people commented, asking if they could chip in next time. In response, Levy decided to start a quarterly fund. With the support, future debt should never accumulate. This means students can focus on studying, rather than being hungry.


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IMAGE CREDIT: Cathy Yeulet

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