This Guy Raised Enough Money To Pay Off The Student Lunch Debt For An Entire High School

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Salvation for the world lies in every human doing their part for the community. But this man from Florida has done that and a bit more. He stepped in to help pay off the school meal debts of the students of Amherst County High School. He initiated a fundraiser with the original aim of collecting a modest sum of $1,000 on Facebook. His initial aim was to make a contribution to the debt that the school owed for its lunch account.

He thought that he should be doing something for the kids in his area. Wright mentioned on the fundraiser page of “Cafeteria Accounts for Local Schools” that he had read several disturbing accounts of students having to forego their lunch because they didn’t have money in their cafeteria account. According to WSET, he learned that the school had a debt of over $4,000.

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The father of 3 and a former marine, Dustin Wright learned from a staff member at the school that it was the high school that needed the money the most and the elementary and middle schools could be attended to later depending on the outcome of this fundraiser.

A quarter of the children pay the full price for lunch at public schools, the rest get free or reduced meals based on family income, reports BBC

Wright felt that children should never have to worry about getting food for their body and mind and should concentrate only on their education. He thanked all the donors in advance on the page. Amherst County High School has noted on its page that all students would still get a hot meal.

Also read: School Lunches Are A Part Of Education In Japan

Ever since the fundraiser began on the 2nd of October, the collection reached the sum of $7,676 before the campaign closed. Wright shared all details of payment on Facebook to keep things transparent. The donations came by way of cash and personal checks, duly added to a Navy Federal account. The total value was finally transferred into the account opened for the fundraiser.

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The system of school debts is a disturbing issue. A lunch lady was fired in New Hampshire for giving lunch to a student who had no money to pay. He repaid the next day but she was still fired for “theft”. There have been worse instances like when a school in Alabama stamped the words “I need lunch money” on students’ arms if their meal balance ran low, while another high school in Minnesota tried to stop seniors from graduating if they didn’t clear lunch debts.


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