Animated Short Reveals The Dark Complexities Of Healing Our Broken Society

BLuke Miller Truth Theory

In-Shadows is a Masterful short film from Lubomir Arsov which touches on wage slavery, sexual depravity, the pharmaceutical culture and societies attempt to turn us into mindless consumers. The incredibly powerful short film is disturbing, enlightening and motivating to heal our broken relationship with ourselves and the planet.

The film starts with the opening of a box which seems to represent the planet and a broader box than the western world is currently living in.

The film then enters the shadows of modern day society

In- Shadow Full Film

The films powerful imagery touches on boxes we have allowed to be placed upon ourselves

The unreasonable work expectations we need to keep up with to maintain any “quality” of life

The glorification of alcohol

And sexual depravity

The pharmaceutical culture that has become the norm

And indoctrination by the schooling of our children

The big hitting imagery continues with the money worshiping consumerist ideology


The film touches on many dark worldly issues, but then something beautiful happens:

The divine masculine and feminine rise up, in what would be the ideal solution to the madness which is our broken society.

An empowered society would never tolerate the current condition we have placed upon ourselves.

We are powerful! We are one! We rise together in love!

Please share this article and video! Much love, Luke!

I am Luke Miller the author of this article, and creator of Potential For Change. I like to blend psychology and spirituality to help you create more happiness in your life.Grab a copy of my free 33 Page Illustrated eBook- Psychology Meets Spirituality- Secrets To A Supercharged Life You Control Here

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