This Stray Cat Brought The Woman Who Fed Her To Meet Her Kittens

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

It was a normal day for a cat lover, Shea Prior, to take a stroll in her yard. Wandering around, enjoying nature, she was stopped short when she noticed a stray cat in front of her. Little did she know that the cat was the first surprise, and many more tiny surprises were waiting for her. 

The incident took place a couple of months ago. Since then, Prior has taken it upon herself to provide for the cat as she saw her scrounging around in her yard looking for food. 

Initially, the stray cat seemed suspicious of Prior, but Prior’s persistent efforts showed its results. Soon enough, Prior found herself feeding and petting the stray cat daily. A strong bond started building between Prior and the adorable cat. 

stray cat and Prior

A few days into it, Prior received another surprise when she noticed that the stray cat had been producing milk! That’s when it struck Prior that the stray cat she accidentally took under her wing might be a mother!

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Excitedly and with a little concern, Prior started talking to, what she presumed was, the mommy cat. She petted her lovingly and asked her to lead Prior to her kittens. The mommy cat seemed reluctant at first, but Prior kept insisting and talked more about the unseen beautiful kittens. 

stray cat and her kittens

The skies shone brighter the next day, as the mommy cat purred beside Prior and took her to show off her adorable kittens. Prior followed the fierce mommy cat and realized after a little while that the stray cat had led her to her own shed. The kittens were born there! 

There were five tiny adorable kittens. The tiny kittens took their sweet time in getting to know Prior. They came close to her only after their mum coaxed them into it. Eventually, the little kittens got to know Prior and even let her hold them. 

stray cat

Amidst the global pandemic, several people have lost their jobs, and Prior is one of them. Fortunately, that didn’t stop her from trying to help the fierce stray cat and her adorable bunch of kittens. 

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With determination in her eye, Prior opened a GoFundMe page so that she can adequately take care of the mommy cat and her five tiny kittens. Prior said she wanted to take the cats to a vet and get them checked, but since she currently holds no job, it would be hard on her pocket. 

Since Prior updated all her friends about the incident on Facebook, all the kittens have found loving homes. The mommy cat herself will be living with Prior. She also said that whatever fund she collects will go into looking after the cats, and the rest will be given away to an animal shelter near her. 

The kittens are safe and happy. Mommy cat and the young lady continue to strengthen their bond. The “stray cat” is stray no more. Maybe happy endings are possible after all! 

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