Sikhs Are Providing One Million Meals For Vulnerable People In Coronavirus Crisis

By Anthony McLennan / Truth Theory

The United Sikhs organization is on a mission to help feed people across the globe and say they have provided one million meals to those in need during the coronavirus pandemic.

The United Nations-affiliated non-profit organization first made headlines towards the end of March when they answered a call from the New York mayor’s office to provide 30 000 meals to be distributed to elderly and immunocompromised people in self-isolation.

A vegetarian meal comprising of dry fruits, rice, and lentils was made. Strict hygiene practices were adhered to and social distancing measures were used as much as possible during the food preparation.

Sewa, or ‘selfless service’ is a way of life for Sikhs, who number more than 25 million across the globe, including 20 million in India.

The United States has the largest population of Sikhs outside of India, estimated to be over half a million.

Across the States and across the globe

It’s not only in the United States however where the United Sikhs are providing home-cooked meals.

According to a statement, they’re currently working in India, United Kingdom, Malaysia, Australia, the United States and Canada.

“In total, UNITED SIKHS has provided over 1 million meals to individuals in need. Without plans of stopping, UNITED SIKHS will continue to feed the hungry globally with a projected reach of more than a million,” the group reported on their Facebook page.

“As soon as COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic,” said International Humanitarian Aid Director, Gurvinder Singh. “UNITED SIKHS immediately began working with authorities and on the ground to provide as much support as possible especially to the elderly, low-income, vulnerable and underprivileged populations.”

As well as New York, the United Sikhs have prepared meals for vulnerable people in California, New Jersey, Texas, Connecticut, Washington, Utah and Maryland.

Capable and adaptable

Their service in this global time of need has not been limited solely to food. The Sikhs say they are ‘uniquely capable to act quickly and provide communities with specific needs’.

As an example of that, they have worked in Indian communities on education campaigns and sanitizing needs. In Seattle, one of the areas worst hit by the coronavirus in the United States, they assisted front-line healthcare workers.

The United Sikhs organization label themselves as a humanitarian relief, human development and advocacy organization.

Their religious beliefs include: “Faith and meditation on the name of the one creator. Divine unity and equality of all humankind, engaging in selfless service. Striving for justice for the benefit and prosperity of all and honest conduct and livelihood while living a householder’s life.”

Read more: Manny Pacquiao ‘Not Afraid To Die’ To Help Philippines Battle Coronavirus

Image credits: UNITED SIKHS

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