Secrets Of Civilization Revealed In Fascinating Book Called The Ultimate Guide To Rebuilding A Civilization

Bicycle from Rebuilding A Civilization

The Ultimate Guide To Rebuilding A Civilization is set to be essential reading for all those who are fascinated by how our civilization has been shaped over the centuries.

The publication is also simply known as ‘The Book’ in reference to its all-in-one coverage of human innovation.

In a way its an antidote to the modern world, a nod to when things were simpler, or at least appeared simpler. Surprisingly though, many ancient inventions are more complex and clever than we may realize.

As one of the authors has written in a preview, this book is for people who are “as fascinated by technical, military, medical and artistic inventions as I am. This‌ ‌catchy,‌ ‌witty‌ ‌compilation ‌of ‌inventions,‌ ‌filled ‌with ‌beautiful ‌illustrations,‌ ‌is ‌a‌ ‌wonderful ‌gift ‌for ‌collectors,‌ ‌enthusiasts,‌ ‌and ‌curious ‌minds.

“This book is an illustrated encyclopedia of mechanisms, processes and materials that have played a significant role in human history.”

Adding to the character of the publication are the wonderfully detailed illustrations, in a sort of medieval style, combining engineering drawings and art.

“The visual symbolism of the book connects it to the prominent fifteen-century Voynich manuscript while its uncommon and original ideas are similar to the Summa Technologiae of Stanisław Lem. The book is also influenced by the aesthetics of the renowned Codex Seraphinianus. The Ultimate Guide is a real masterpiece and an endless source of inspiration.”

The book aims to honor and expand upon the many great inventions made by our civilization.

Many of these inventions and creations are things which we take for granted these days. But dig a little deeper, as the book does, and there are some magical stories which a lot of people don’t know about.

“Whether its a silk recipe or a printing press, each of these past inventions turned out to be incredibly fascinating and far from simple,” Seva, another of the book’s creators said.

The book has not yet been published as the authors are still seeking funding, including via the Kickstarter website.

As the authors point out, a fair amount of the book’s information is out there, be it in encyclopedia’s or online.

However, a lot of this information is scattered across different sources and it’s therefore the aim of the book’s founders to consolidate as much information as possible about important inventions and mechanisms which have been used throughout mankind’s civilization.

Subjects covered are numerous and include medicine, military, agriculture, mechanics, entertainment, music and cooking. Topics range from tilling fields with bicycles. to Colosseum gladiators fighting under stadium lights, to the creation of things such as cars, electricity, and the zeppelin.

You can also learn how to create a fishing net, deliver a calf, or to brew wheat beer; there’s something for everyone.

Read more: Tests Suggest That Animals Are More Scared of Humans Than Of Bears, Wolves, Dogs

By Anthony McLennan / Truth Theory

Images Credit: Timur

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