McDonalds Turned Dozens Of Roadside Billboards Into ‘Bee Hotels’ In Sweden

By Mandy Froelich / Truth Theory|

Thanks to the fast food giant McDonald’s, dozens of bee colonies will have access to unconventional shelter in Sweden. The “bee hotels” are attached to the back of roadside billboards and are meant to help revive dwindling honeybee populations.

For the initiative, the restaurant chain drilled holes into their own billboards. The structures were then attached to the back of the roadside advertisements. The Swedish branch of McDonald’s also partnered with outdoor advertising firm JCDecaux to attach small bee houses to the backs of other unused roadside billboards.

As GoodNewsNetwork reports, this isn’t the first time McDonald’s has used tiny structures to help raise awareness about the honeybee plight. In Sweden, some McDonald’s restaurants have bee hives on top of the buildings. And in May 2019, the company also auctioned off a fully-functioning beehive that was build inside “the world’s smallest McDonald’s.”

Award-winning set designer Nicklas Nilsson built the “McHive”, which sold at auction for more than $10,000. All of the money was donated to charity.

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For the roadside “bee hotels,” McDonald’s partnered with the same designers. The fast food giant aims to produce and implement as many of the structures as possible to reverse the trend of colony collapse.

Watch the video below:

It is worth mentioning that while the initiative is inspiring, it is also ironic that the fast food chain is adding beehives to advertisements that promote food which may be directly responsible for  colony collapse disorder. After all, neonicotinoids used in pesticides, which are sprayed on corn, wheat, and soy, have been found to pose a danger to wild bees. This determined, perhaps a menu change would make more of a difference than roadside “bee hotels.”

Image credit: McDonalds 

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