Johnson And Johnson Recalls 33000 Bottles Of Baby Powder After FDA Found Asbestos In Sample

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

After a routine check by the FDA showed traces of asbestos, Johnson & Johnson recalled one whole batch of their esteemed baby powder. Around 33000 bottles were reverted back and the spokesperson for the company said that it was due to their overly cautious nature. 

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Not the best of times for the MNC, for it has received several lawsuits that are hankering for the company to pay damages. The lawsuits claim that Johnson & Johnson knew very well that their baby powder had asbestos, a carcinogen, in them. Although the company has forever denied the charges, this is the first time that they have actually recalled a product.   

They have also had a $116 million settlement, according to the attorney general of Arizona. This was due to the transvaginal mesh implants, coupled with their role in the opioids case in the US. Needless to say, their reputation has been on the line, and the trust that they commanded is waning.  

According to the official statement, the traces found in the single bottle powder amounted to 0.00002% of asbestos in them. The FDA test was done after buying a single product from the retailer, pertaining to batch #22318RB. 

Yet, it hasn’t been confirmed if the bottle is authentically Johnson and Johnson, or if the seal was tampered with, or if the product was cross-contaminated. Quite confidently, they mentioned that there have been close to 1000 tests conducted in the last 43 years to determine the level of asbestos. And fortunately, there have been none. But, even that information is up for grabs. 

Ironically, pediatricians have forever warned parents against the use of talc powder on babies. The risk of infection and inhalation is too high. Yet, this product is Johnson and Johnson’s USP. Talcum powder is procured from pure talc, which grows along with asbestos in the veins of the earth.

The company statements highlight that their sources are impeccable, and both suppliers and manufacturers have multiple tests conducted on the raw produce. In fact, their standards are higher than the industry standards. Also, independent laboratories have confirmed the sanctity of their products. 

Talc itself has been the subject of several health concerns. Previously, it was used as a lubricant in latex products including condoms. It isn’t used anymore for it is harmful to women. 

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Reuters and The New York Times conducted a series of investigations that brought forth insider documents. The FDA and the government, therefore, enforced stringent measures to check that the product sold was up to the mark.  

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