Ikea Store In Sweden Found 50,000 Forgotten Masks And Donated Them To A Local Hospital

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Sweden had 3069 confirmed cases of Coronavirus and 105 deaths till now. Amidst this COVID-19 global pandemic, every country is facing a shortage of essential medical supplies. People are buying face masks and hand sanitizers causing the shortage everywhere.

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Meanwhile, this Swedish IKEA store came to the rescue. Their stuff found 50,000 face masks in their warehouse.

IKEA store’s logistics head, Mr. Johan Andersson called the Sahlgrenska University hospital after his team stuff found the face masks. He told them that he wanted to donate the 50,000 masks. He asked if they are interested.

Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Gothenburg is the biggest hospital in Sweden. The hospital staff was overwhelmed by hearing the offer and asked him to come at once.

Mr. Andersson was unable to load the huge stock in his private car. So, he used a company’s transport car. He loaded all the face masks there and jam-packed it. The hospital received the masks at their time of need.

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The furniture store manager was agreed to donate all the masks at once. The masks were bought at the times of bird-flu. Later they forgot about it. As he mentioned, those masks were just gathering dust in the store’s warehouse. So, they decided to donate those masks seeing the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

The store manager also expressed his happiness as he was able to help in this hard time. He found the issue important to act on immediately.


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