
About Documentaries:

  1. Why are some documentaries only showing 10 or 15 min? Some of the documentaries hosted on this site are made-up  of  multiple Youtube video clips.  We use Youtube playlists for some of our documentaries and that explains why it would sometimes appear to only be 1o or 15 min log but in fact after the first video clip finished, the second video in the playlist will start automatically.
  2. Who hosts these documentaries? (disclaimer) None of the content is hosted on this site and all media is embedded from other sites such as YouTube or Vimeo.  We have no control over the copyright issues of the streaming media, however we try to verify if the video has been uploaded to the streaming sites with the permision of the producers.  All issues concerning copyright violations should be aimed at the sites hosting these documentaries.   We do not have control over which documentaries are in public domain, which has been uploaded to e.g. google video by the owner and which has been uploaded without permission, and is therefore willing to remove any violating material immediately upon request.  The copyright owner must further contact the source if he wants his material off the Internet completely.
  3. How can I make a difference?You can make a difference by spreading the word about our website. The more people that know what’s going on in the world, the better off the world will be.
  4. Are the movies on your site true?We try to post films that we think are honest. We can’t be certain that every statement from every movie on our site is true. We are unable to research every statement. We will leave it up to you and your research skills to come to that decision.  We do think that all of the films on our site are worth watching and do provide a lot of interesting facts many of which have been ignored by the mainstream media. We encourage you to watch the films before coming to assumptions,they might surprise you.
  5. Can I get you to post a film?We are always open to film suggestions and recommendations.  If you want to increase the chances that we watch and post the film, then you can post the film to YouTube and send us the link. In doing so, it’s between you, YouTube and the film producers to ensure that no copyright infringement has taken place.
  6. Why do documentary film makers allow their films to be streamed for free on the internet?Many documentary film makers realize that having their films streamed on the internet for free will not only educate people on their perspective but will also encourage people to purchase the DVD.