During The Coronavirus Pandemic This 10-Year-Old Girl Sent 1,500 Art Kits To Children In Foster Care And Homeless Shelters

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

In these distressing times of COVID-19 and raging protests, what we need the most is hope and love. Many people have come forward and shown their humanness, bringing a ray of hope to us all. Similarly, our faith in humanity was restored again after a 10-year-old girl donated art supplies to kids in need.

Chelsea Phaire, a little girl from Connecticut has proven that you don’t need millions of dollars, neither do you need to be an adult to start charity work. You just need a kind heart. Chelsea has donated above 1,500 art kits to kids in foster homes and homeless shelters. 

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Equal praise goes to Chelsea’s parents, of course. They started Chelsea’s Charity after she repeatedly asked for it. Chelsea’s Mother, Candace Phaire, recalls that her little daughter started begging for a charity organization ever since her 7th birthday. 

Donated Art Kits Instead Of Buying Gifts For Birthday!

10-year-old girl donated art supplies

Chelsea is only in 6th grade but has already become a hero and a star in all our eyes. Last August, she asked all her birthday party attendees to donate an art kit each instead of bringing her any gifts. She collected her first 40 art kits and immediately donated all to a shelter near her. Since then, the family has been setting up their Amazon wishlist with art kits. And whenever they collect enough, they visit kids in foster homes and deliver the kits. 

Before the world went into a pandemic related lockdown mode, Chelsea had successfully donated 1,000 individual art kits to kids affected by gun violence. She even taught other kids to draw by using the art kits. Now, because of the pandemic, this 10-year-old hero has no way to meet her donees. 

Fortunately, this hasn’t put a stop to her charitable efforts. Since the lockdowns began, the Phaire family has given away more than 1,500 art kits to foster homes, schools, and homeless shelters across the United States. 

In an interview with CNN, Chelsea, very sweetly admitted that all she wanted was to meet every little kid across the globe and make art. She added that making other people happy made her happy. 

Donated Art Supplies To Help Kids Cope With Trauma 


Sadly, there is a heartbreaking start to this heartwarming story. Chelsea already was interested in art, but her interest turned into therapy after she lost her swimming instructor to gun violence. The incident took place right in front of her during one of their swimming lessons. 

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After this 10-year-old learned that there were other kids around who share her pain, she decided to help them with art. 

Art therapy has been gaining major momentum in our current times. Stacy DeWitt, executive director at James Storehouse, one of the institutes to benefit from Chelsea’s Charity, said that the donations have been a source of joy to everyone. She added that having art helps direct the kids’ trauma into something creative and useful. 

Chelsea’s Charity is not just about when a 10-year-old girl donated art supplies to kids in need, it is about the innocent humanity that all of us need right now. 

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Image Credits:  chelseascharity

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