Canada Will Ban Single Use Plastics By 2021 Says Justin Trudeau

By John Vibes / Truth Theory

This Monday, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced that the country will ban single-use plastics as early as 2021.

It is not exactly clear what products will be prohibited by the ban, but Trudeau says that a “science-based review” will take place to decide which items will be taken off the shelves.

Some of the main products that will be up for debate are water bottles, plastic bags, and straws, as well as fast food containers, cotton swabs, drink stirrers, and balloon sticks.

According to the advocacy group “Environment and Climate Change Canada,” Canadians throw away over 34 million plastic bags EVERY SINGLE DAY! On top of that, 57 million plastic straws are thrown away each day. Every year, an estimated 15 billion plastic bags are used in Canada.

“Canadians are tired of seeing our beaches, parks, streets, and shorelines littered with plastic waste,” Trudeau wrote on Twitter this week.

Currently, less than 10% of the plastic used in Canada gets recycled, according to the BBC.

Trudeau explained that this move is not truly unprecedented and that the plan takes inspiration from measures taken in the European Union, who earlier this year voted to ban single-use plastics starting in 2021.

“Many other countries are doing that and Canada will be one of them. This is a big step but we know can do this for 2021,” Trudeau said.

There are at least 32 countries who have already banned plastic bags, and three states in the US where the bags are prohibited.

Last week, Truth Theory reported on a disturbing study which found that we are absorbing tens of thousands of plastic particles each year, just in the food we eat and the air that we breathe. It was also noted in the study, that drinking a lot of bottled water can nearly double the presence of toxins in our bodies.

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Right now, one garbage truck of plastic is dumped into the ocean every minute.

According to an Ellen MacArthur Foundation report that we have referenced numerous times in the past, there will be more plastics in the ocean than there are fish by the year 2050 if the current rate of plastic pollution continues.

In one of the most concentrated areas of plastic in the ocean, known as the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch,” an estimated 80,000 metric tons of plastic is swirling around in an accidental oceanic landfill.

A similar, but smaller, patch of floating plastic trash can also be found in the Atlantic Ocean. This location is known as the North Atlantic garbage patch.

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