Breathtaking Video Shows Dolphins And Aussie Surfers Catching A Wave Together [Watch]

By Mandy Froelich / Truth Theory

Dissonant events may take place, but they will never take away from the majestic moments that occur, as well. For instance, at a time when the world is morning the loss of the Notre Dame spire, people are also celebrating random and extraordinary moments — like dolphins and surfers catching a wave together in Australia.

As GoodNewsNetwork reports, a group of surfers were joined by unlikely companions while surfing off the Australian coast. Drone footage captured on the day shows a pod of dolphins cruising into the path of the surfers as they took off on a wave.

The film, which was captured by Shaun Petersen, shows dozens of dolphins gliding through the water on a small wave that carries them, as well as the surfers, toward the shore.

The video was first posted to Instagram. Within a matter of hours, it racked up thousands of views.

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“What a show they did put on!” wrote Petersen. “One of my favorite video captures to date!”

Watch the breathtaking video below:

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