According To Report These Are The Top Non-Native English Speaking Countries

english speakers in the world

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

As is widely known throughout the world, English is the most widely spoken language in the world. Most speakers speak it as their second language if they aren’t already speaking it as their first. This does beget the question- which countries have the most fluent non-native English speakers?

EF Education First released a report that had a comprehensive list of every non-English speaking country and the amount of fluent English speakers that those countries boast of.

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The countries to have the most proficient English speakers are Netherlands, Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. In contrast, Middle Eastern countries sit at the bottom of the pool, with Iraq, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait at the end of the rung.


However, these reports must be taken with a grain of salt, for these are neither exhaustive nor comprehensive. The number of test-takers numbered 2.3 million in almost a hundred countries. And the test depended on the willingness of the participant, along with a viable net connection and the time a participant could afford to spend on this. This does bring out the disparity in the non-native speakers.

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Also, these disparities favor the richer Northern Europe countries rather than the African countries. The African countries would have had just about 400 English speakers taking the test at most.

Images: EF English Proficiency Index

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