Caring Boy Helps Blind Deer Find Food Every Day Before School

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

If you think that this is about a 10-year-old boy adopting a blind deer, you are wrong. If you think this is about the deer reciprocating her love for his savior then you’re wrong again. Rather, this is about a boy who was sensitive enough to help the blind deer. He helped this deer find grass to eat, every morning.

A ten-year-old boy in Chicago, Illinois spotted a blind deer. He made it a habit to take the deer to grassy patches on the sidewalk. He didn’t want the deer to starve. A neighbor took the adorable pair’s picture and posted it on Imgur. Everyone went berserk over the generous boy and his blind deer.

Read: Baby Cow Raised By Deer Family In Snowy Forest After It Escaped Slaughterhouse

When the Illinois Department of Natural Resources got to know about this, they immediately adopted the deer. They provided her with a proper, legal shelter. That was when people knew that the boy hadn’t named the deer. He didn’t try to pet her. Therefore he didn’t express any grief over the deer being taken away. Rather, he felt a sense of relief knowing that the blind deer was now safe.

The boy with the deer

Image: Cachorros Adorables

As humans, we’ve lost the ability to sympathize with and selflessly care for animals. This example must show that love does not mean to own. Caring is not possessing. What we learn from the boy is to live in harmony with our surroundings.

The blind deer and the boy spend very little time as companions. The boy did not let his feelings for her overpower himself. But it doesn’t mean that we cannot see his humanity and love. Being human is not just about loving and cuddling those we love. It is about sharing our world with them. And the boy showed maturity and wisdom beyond his years with this incident.

Read: Mouse-Size Deer Believed To Be Extinct Re-Emergences In Vietnam Forest

He knew that the IDNR is the best place for her. They were trained professionals who could look after the deer. The organization could provide her with whatever she needed. They were exactly what the blind vulnerable deer needed.

The boy’s care saved her life and his will-power encouraged her to stand on her own feet. We can only hope and pray for the blind deer’s healthy and long life.

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