This Filipino Engineer Builds School Chairs From Recycled Plastics

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

People from the Philippines are known to be hardworking. But what we may not know about them is that the Philippines is trying hard to tackle environmental problems. Recently, legislation was passed that makes it mandatory for graduates to plant trees in protected lands. It is clear that people from the Philippines are taking the planet seriously. While the government is showing some effort towards change, even individuals are bringing in their share of eco-friendly solutions.

Meet Winchester Lemen. He is a mechanical engineer from the Davao City in the Philippines. As a concerned individual, he knew about the UN Environment Programme Report that suggests that the Philippines tends to generate about 6875 tons of plastic every day. Lemen wanted to change it somehow, but he did not know how.

Until he met a person who paid his plant a visit and asked if he could recycle plastic and make something out of it. The idea popped up in his mind and so, he began collecting, shredding, cleaning and melting plastics, putting it into molds and making something out of it – that is, cute little chairs. The product is then assembled, subsequently sanded and painted. He runs the project called Envirotech Waste Recycling. The visitor who had suggested the idea bought 200 of these cute chairs.

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But Lemen was not stopping there. He forwarded the proposition to Herbert Bautista, the Mayor of Quezon City. A Green Fund has been set up for the project. Now, a three year old tree is being saved because recycled plastic is being used for the benches.

And not to mention, the colorful benches are a delight for children. They love the classroom. Wouldn’t you?

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