Half A Million Solar Panels Will Power Disney Theme Parks

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

The use of renewable power is bound to leave a lasting impression upon the thousands of visitors who come to Disney World now. Disney Resorts has collaborated with two other organizations – Solar Projects developer Origis Energy U.S.A and Reedy Creek Improvement District. This collaboration is to create a 50-megawatt solar power facility which is going to power 2 of the 4 Disney World parks in Florida. This 270-acre project is situated near Disney’s own Animal Kingdom. It is one of the many projects which Disney plans to undertake under its environmental stewardship commitment.

The company, Walt Disney Company, has embarked on several projects to reach its goal of 2020. It aims to reduce 50% emission of greenhouse gases by 2020 in comparison to the year 2012. This new solar power facility is a large part of its many efforts. This facility aims to reduce its enormous 56,000 tons of greenhouse gas emission every year. This ginormous amount is the same as taking away around 9,300 cars off the roads. It does all this with half of a million photovoltaic energy capturing solar panels.

Disney already claims that it has brought down its worldwide emissions by about 41% in 2017. This makes the 50% goal by the year 2020 look absolutely attainable.

This environmental concern is not limited to just energy production. The project also ties in the efforts of experts from Disney’s Animals, Science, and Environment and Horticulture teams. All of their expertise is being harnessed to make this solar facility serve additional purposes. It aims to be a hospitable habitat for bees, butterflies, and several other insects. The teams aim to create an environment with rich vegetation and wildflowers, and also make it pollinator friendly. The project is also trying to help species which are at-risk and endangered. This project, hence, aligns seamlessly with the “Reverse the Decline” enterprise. It intends to stop and reverse the waning population of 10 vulnerable species, which includes butterflies.

Not The First Time!

Prior to this, Disney also unveiled a 5-megawatt solar power facility close to Epcot. This project was advanced in collaboration with Duke Energy and Reedy Creek Improvement District. At its peak energy generation time, that is when the sun shines brightest, the facilities can bring enough clean power to satiate 25% of the energy requirements at the Walt Disney Park at Orlando.

Other renewable energy and sustainability projects of Disney include:

Central Florida – Solar-panel station with 48,000 panels coming together to form the head of Mickey Mouse. Generating 5-megawatts.

Disneyland Tokyo – Solar panels above 8 rooftops power an electricity-driven light parade.

Disneyland California – 1,400 solar panels that are high-efficiency powering the adventure park.

Disneyland Paris – Geothermal energy powers a hotel and 2 theme parks.

Disneyland Shanghai – A waste powered cooling and heating plant.

Cruise ships – Natural gas powered cruise ships are being built by Disney.

Aiming To Be Sustainable Since Walt Disney

This tradition of commitment to the protection of environment and sustainability developed with the founder Walt Disney itself. This seedling of sustainability has just tremendously grown with the contributing people at the company.

Feeling better after knowing how Disney is contributing to a greener world? It really makes a difference.

Image credit: Disney World

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