This Woman Risked Her Life to Save a Fox From Hunters, and She’s Not the Only One [Video]

By Mandy Froelich / Truth Theory

Fox hunting was banned in 2005. But, that hasn’t stopped groups of people from continuing to hunt the animals in the UK. With police disinterested in the legality of the tradition, the burden of doing something was placed on activists’ shoulders. That’s why dozens of people associated with the Hunt Saboteur Association regularly risk their lives to expose the hunt and protect vulnerable foxes.

Recently, The Dodo shared a video to Facebook highlighting the regular activism displayed by hunt saboteurs. Watch it below:

Fox Hunting 

Fox hunting is a sport primarily enjoyed by people in the UK. The object is to chase a fox tracked and pursued by a pack of hounds. The end goal isn’t exactly to kill the fox; rather, enjoyment is said to be obtained from the journey.

Understandably, the practice is highly controversial. Detractors say it is immortal to chase and kill animals for fun and sport. Supporters, on the other hand, claim that hunting foxes is helpful to farmers. Considering many of the foxes are kept in containment before they are released, the latter argument has holes.

Though hunt saboteurs are often threatened and/or injured during a rescue, they persist because they believe fox hunting is a cruel sport. Furthermore, they feel compelled to take action because there is little follow-through from the law.

Said Lee Moon, a spokesperson for the Hunt Saboteurs Association: “Even on their highest profile day, when the eyes of the world are on them, the hunting community can’t control themselves. Frustrated that public opinion is turning more and more against them and they’re no longer welcome at their traditional high profile Boxing Day meets they resort to violence against those who oppose them.”

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The HSA documents cases of violence against peaceful protesters. It also seeks to educate individuals on the reality of fox hunting and why it needs to be stopped. You can learn more by visiting the website. If you want fox hunting to be ended once and for all, consider making a donation to the organization working to end the practice.

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IMAGE CREDIT: Marcel Rene Grossmann


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