2 Nuns Stole $500,000 And Spend It Partying In Las Vegas

By Luke Miller, 

Two Catholic nuns in California have confessed to stealing about $500,000 and gambling it in Vegas.

BBC report that Sisters Mary Kreuper and Lana Chang embezzled the money from St James’ Catholic School in Torrance, near to Los Angeles. The money was used to spend in casinos.

The duo stole the money from an account which held tuition fees and donations. The nuns have said they feel remorse for their behavior.

Kreuper was the principal of the school for 29 years, and Chang worked there as a teacher for close to 20 years. It is thought that they stole the money over a minimum period of 10 years which they used to travel and gamble.

A spokesperson for St James’ Catholic Church has said the nuns have expressed “deep remorse” for their behavior, adding that the police had been informed, but no criminal charges will be brought to them.

The Sisters have confirmed the misappropriation of funds and have co-operated in the investigation,” the sisters’ order, the Sisters of St Joseph of Carondelet, shared in a statement on its website and continued “Our community is concerned and saddened by this situation and regret any injury to our long relationship with the families of the school,”

Michael Meyers, the monsignor of the church, wrote in a letter: “Sister Mary Margaret and Sister Lana have expressed to me and asked that I convey to you, the deep remorse they each feel for their actions and ask for your forgiveness and prayers.”

The money was discovered missing during a routine audit and the nuns allegedly concealed their actions by depositing cheques for tuition and fees into a bank account which was not used by the school.

Update: The title of this article has been updated to make it past tense as this is something that happened in the past.

Image credit: 123Rf

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