Silencing Alternative Media – Censorship Of Activists On The Web

By Mike Sygula,


I was speaking in Barcelona a few months ago about online censorship. I think the talk went ok, I didn’t have a lot of time to prepare it as I just found out about it a few days earlier. Most people are still unaware of this situation, but many alternative media sites, as well as bloggers and Youtubers who are involved in activism, are currently being censored by giants like Facebook and Google. Several Youtube channels have been removed in recent months, they closed down many accounts without giving any evidence for “violation of their terms”. Activist PostWaking TimesA New Kind of HumanRichie Allen, and many other channels have been silenced, a lot of them started new ones. Project Camelot, that has been sharing videos of whistleblowers for the last decade has one more strike to go. Facebook is shutting down pages and reducing the reach of the content, both Facebook and Google have been also removing the ability to monetize the content for alternative channels, which is often the main source of income for activists.

You can watch my talk here, let me know your thoughts in the comments, below:

You can also check out the interview that followed after the talk where we discuss some of these issues in more detail HERE

Image credits: neydt / 123RF Stock Photo
aquir / 123RF Stock Photo

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