The 12 Step Cycle Of Spiritual Awakening

BLuke Miller Truth Theory

I have been lucky enough to be able to speak with many people who are experiencing what you might call a spiritual awakening. My work allows me to communicate directly with hundreds of people every week and I have noticed a similar processes that people go through when they start to connect with their higher selves.

What Is A Spiritual Awakening?

A spiritual awakening is when the line between the physical and spiritual reality thins. People often think of this as gaining something, however it is actually the losing of conditioning that initiates this process.

When the conditioning that has been placed upon us through media, loved ones and influences in our lives starts to thin, we start to see the world as it is. But not only the world, we start to see ourselves as we are. I believe that through this life, all past lives and all future lives we are here to fulfil a purpose- and until we fulfil that purpose we keep going around the merry go round of existence until we get a feel for what that purpose may be. Then you just have to fulfil that purpose.

This is a spiritual awakening, a feel for what your purpose is, which is brought on by honestly connecting with yourself. Which you find by losing your conditioning. We all have conditioning, it starts from the very moment we switch from the very innocent and spiritually enlightened state of a baby, to the physically conscious child.

The Steps Of A Spiritual Awakening

I do not claim this to be the ultimate guide to spiritual awakening, and these things often happen in a different sequence and phases often repeat (we are circular creatures). This is just my understanding of the process and something I have also observed in others:

A Knowing

This is the start and starts from the moment we become aware, we know all is not as it seems, we just cannot put our finger on it. This ranges from a small inclination, to a massive hole in what we intuitively know to exists, but it all starts with that knowing.


This is the transition that many refuse to make or only partially make because they become disillusioned with the answers received. Most people at some point start to ask questions of how we got here, why we are here and who we are, the difference between those who find out is in persistence and dedication.

Self Discovery

When we question enough, we eventually find the right questions and this is when true self discovery happens. What are our values? What is our purpose? What tools do we need? Who am I? When we keep probing and accept that there may be a higher intelligence that can guide us, we get led to the next level of discovery, which often (but not always) leads to the next step.


It is quite common upon finding answers about yourself and existence that you get excited. This is common amoung others, but in my own personal experience I had a mildly psychotic euphoric period of around 6 months. I was happy all the time, but also very overpowering with my ideas and realisations.

Ego Flare

This euphoria can often lead to a massive ego flare, when you think you have arrived at an understanding of yourself, society and often secret knowledge it is common for your ego to flare up giving you a feeling that you understand the world on a different level than most people do.

Dark Side

Once you fully realize yourself, and the potential you have it can often lead to a sour feeling. Some call this the dark night of the soul. It is basically a spiritual crisis. There are many reason for spiritual crisis, but 2 common reasons are a lack of support or feeling isolated-

I cover this further in this article- Why We Should Never Force Our Spiritual Beliefs on Other People

The second is the dissolution of conditioning or finally seeing the word as it is-

I cover this and a lot more in- The Dark Side Of Spirituality

Ego Softening

After this dark side, we often find ourselves softening, the quote from Socrates rings true here “the more I learn, the more I learn how little I know.” sometimes you need to step into the dark side of your ego to fully realise it as a humble servant. When you discover the right information you can often be full of knowledge, but short on wisdom, this is when it is time to soften the ego.


Things can get very mystical when you start to go down the rabbit hole, synchronicity is one of those magickal things. Synchronicity is when a one or more meaningful coincidences happen that relate to each other. These often lead you to soul opportunities, information and relationships.You can read an in depth article that I wrote on Synchronicity in- Do You See 11:11? The Mysterious World Of Synchronicity


With synchronicity and living in line with your true purpose comes a huge level of trust. Sometimes you need to let go of every piece of your rational mind and live on pure intuition. You will often need to jump without knowing how to fly and just take the opportunity which is presented, when it is accompanied by that real soul feeling of knowing. This can be difficult as everything we have ever been told is to plan, learn and work up to our opportunities, however, sometimes the perfect thing happens with no warning and needs to be run with in an instant.


All of your spiritual awakening can be validated, but it often comes after a great deal of search and discovery. Many people stop looking before this stage, but once you gain the eye to see you cannot help but to find validation of your adventure in every aspect of the universe. You see- the miracle we are searching for is ourselves- we often trek the globe, read every book under the sun and seek out teachers of every kind only to realise it is us we have been searching for.


In this moment we become enlightened- but the question here is- is enlightenment a permanent state? Or just the beginning of the next chapter?

The Cycle Continues

The cycle can often repeat, sometimes missing a few steps. Sometimes showing us lessons we thought we had learnt from a different angle. But we continue to climb the steps, sometimes stepping down a step or 2- only to climb 5 rapidly after. Sometimes we reach the top of the staircase, only to realise when we turn the corner there is another case to climb. Maybe the journey is endless, maybe not- but whatever this great adventure is- you can choose to do it all with a smile. Good luck on your adventures.

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