This Texas High School Offers “Adulting 101” A Class That Teaches Basic Life Skills

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Adulting is hard, man. Not many can do it to the best of their abilities. With the burden of student loans and housing debts, millennials all over the world are facing the problem of adulting- crossing from the teenage stage, they are entering the adult stage where they are finally accepting that adult life sucks.

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Round Rock Independent School District of Texas has instituted a course called Adulting 101. This course is designed to help one inculcate basic skills later in life. The school which instituted this is Cedar Ridge High School. 

Some of the things that this course would teach are-

  1. 1. Cooking healthy food
  2. 2. Creating a proper resume
  3. 3. Managing money
  4. 4. Nailing an interview

The chef in charge of teaching the students basic culinary skills, Ralph Chavez has confided that they aren’t really teaching Michelin-certified culinary skills. In fact, all they are doing is teaching one how to cook basic food. 

A fresher of this school, Shayla Partidge believes that the cooking class is actually an advantage for people about to join the world outside the school. People would actually have an idea about cooking healthy food, and not indulge in eating junk from MacDonald’s. After all, with the current rise of obesity, it is necessary to shift our diet to more healthier and balanced green alternatives.

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Debbie Chavez, the librarian, hopes that there would also be basic automotive classes added to the Adulting 101 soon. 


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