103-Year-Old Julia ‘Hurricane’ Hawkins Won Another Gold Medal In A 100-Meter Dash

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

There is a reason they call her the ‘Hurricane’. Julia Hawkins epitomizes that age is just a number. At the age of 103, she won gold in both the 50 and 100-meter sprint at the 2019 Senior Games in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She might not have bettered her record-breaking feat of a couple of years past, but win she did.

Hawkins, from Louisiana, had set a world record in the 2017 games in the 100 meters. Her timings were a little off this time around.

She has a strong support group backing her. A mother of 4, she has three grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren. She was a competitive cyclist earlier. She had taken up running rather late in life, at the age of 100 when cycling on mountainous terrain became too demanding. The National Senior Games Association, a non-profit that runs the biennial Senior Games has disclosed that she is the oldest woman to be running on the tracks in the U.S.

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She seemed a bit disappointed at not matching her 2017 timings. She wasn’t particularly sure about the reason. It could be her age or the atmosphere, she reasoned.

She was the media darling at the games. CBS said that it is unheard of someone winning gold after only a couple of years of taking up a sport. Maybe it was due to her having “plenty of life experience”. She said she competes to impress her family but with this drive and a few more records under her belt, she is on track to impress many more people.

She went into competitive cycling in her 80s, competing in the Senior Olympics. Her children encouraged her to try cycling. The idea of running the 100 meters at the age of 100 appealed to her personally. Her knees, back, and hips are okay though she is having trouble with her eyesight, she told AOL.

In her interview with Good Morning America, the inspirational grandma reveals that she doesn’t have any particular regimen for her fitness and just keeps herself busy and keeps moving, though she is careful about her diet and keeps an eye on her weight.

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She hopes that she is inspiring the younger generation to care for their health and to realize that they can go a long way if only they keep themselves busy and active throughout their lives. She doesn’t set any long-time goals. It is all about waking up healthy the next day. She believes that each day is a miracle.

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The time she spends in her garden at her home in Louisiana gives her all the exercise she needs. She keeps the medals she has won over the years at her home. She has won quite a few in her career and her medals are all over her house. Her husband had given her a box to preserve them.

She is happy about her 2 gold medals and finds it ‘awe-inspiring’. She is eagerly looking forward to her next race. This is one hurricane for whom everyone is cheering for. For her, every day is a miracle.

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