
Modern Independent Woman Creates Comics Depicting Her View On Society

By Mayukh Saha

December 06, 2021

By  Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Lainey Molnar, 32 years old, is a fitting example of what it means to be an independent woman in this day and age. She uses her comics to showcase the many struggles she, as well as women in general face in society. Some of the themes that she covers are freedom to choose, refusal of social stereotypes, motherhood, and self-acceptance. In fact, you don’t even have to be a woman to relate to her comics.

Here are some of her latest works:

1. Birth Control

The difference in birth control between men and women is stark. However, Lainey has seen men refuse to wear condoms because they feel “uncomfortable”.

2. Choosing To Be A Mother

Whether one wants to be a mother, is the sole decision of the woman and no one else. There really does not need to be a special reason for it.

Read: 28+ Humorous Comics Reveal What It’s Like To Be A Woman

3. Professional Equality

There really should not be any difference in treatment according to the type of job one does. Both need the same amount of hard work to do well. This also extends to the same occupations that take place in different settings.

4. Achievements

Anything positive should be just as important, whether it is being able to buy a house, getting married, or just mustering enough strength to wake up in the morning.

5. Body Ideals

It is natural to have different body types. Eating and drinking the same amount would not have made a difference.

Plus, your body is always going to be the envy of someone else.

Additionally, fashion plays a big role in shaping society’s perception of body types. At the end of the day, fashion should be for every single person.

Read: Artist Illustrates The Reality Of Being A Tall Woman In 30+ Honest (And Hilarious) Comics

Rather than how it looks, it is better to think about your body’s capabilities.

6. Motherhood

Whether a woman chooses to be a mother or has 3 children, there will always be people criticizing the choice.

Truly, a miscarriage does not mean the woman was never a mother. The loss and grief remain the same.

Society has a curious tendency of pushing women to have kids when they look like they never had kids. It is important to remember that even without pregnancy, there can be stretch marks, etc. on the body. This is natural, not a special consequence of pregnancy, and thus has no reason to be criticized.

7. Health Is Health

Just because mental health is usually invisible, does not mean the person should get any less care and affection.

8. Defining Numbers

Whether a woman is sexually attractive, or socially active, the numbers should not make the person.

9. If It Doesn’t Hurt, Then Leave It Be

No matter how quirky a person acts or dresses, unless it hurts someone, there really shouldn’t be a need for criticism.

10. Beauty Standards

Shape, size, and type of breasts have nothing to do with “perfection”.

Commercials may make you think that you need a certain type of body to wear a bikini, but that’s not the case at all.

Like everything in nature, our skin as well comes in various types, and none of them is imperfect or ugly.

We think this is the perfect picture to end the showcase.

Lainey’s Views

Lainey says that she has a list of illustrations on her phone. She begins drawing the idea that she relates to at the moment. Her favorites are the ones where she compares people struggling with physical and mental health. Lainey, herself, has struggled with mental health for a long 18 years.

Lainey admits that she considers herself fortunate to have never faced any blocks, and for the immensely positive reactions on social media. Her inspirations are Wowocomics, Adam Ellis, and Tiny Moron. For her, the purpose and vision behind the image matter more than the technical skills. Check out her Instagram to get a view of all her works.

All Image Credits: Lainey Molnar