Lemon Grass in Bucket Pot on Wooden Window Sill. Home Plant on Kitchen Windowsill Interior with Sunlight. Spring Flowerpot Grow at Sun Light on Apartment Balcony


You Can Grow Lemongrass In A Pot At Home To Help Relieve Anxiety And Stress And Repel Mosquitoes

By Mayukh Saha

June 24, 2020

By  Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Lemongrass is citrusy in smell and adds a refreshing herb element to your food. Besides, it has anti-inflammatory qualities, and it has also been known to keep mosquitoes away! 

Interested yet? Don’t worry if you don’t know where to buy lemongrass. Or do you think buying lemongrass constantly for daily consumption would be going over your budget? We will tell you a simple secret to growing lemongrass in your very home. 

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How To Plant LemonGrass?

Growing lemongrass is fairly simple. The only thing you need to remember is to water the plant. Native to Southeast Asia, they require rich and moist soil, so never let the plant dry. Do not overwater either. The soil just needs to be moist. 

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Take a small pot that you can shift around in your house because this plant does not do well under direct sunlight. Sow the seeds. They will take around 20-40 days before they sprout. Once they begin sprouting, remember to water them every day during spring and summer. Those are the two best weather to plant lemongrass. 

While the plant is extremely simple to grow under summer weather, winters can make them dormant. Reduce your watering to at least half the time. Try to contain your plant in a cool area that’s not too harsh. 

How To Take Care Of Your Plant? 

Prune, prune, prune. Don’t be scared to give your precious plant a nice pruning. Under the right conditions, they tend to grow very rapidly. And so, make sure that you cut the herb to use in your dishes. Because the more you trim, your new growth will be younger and tender. 

Ideally, you should prune during early spring. And if your plant has survived the winter, cut any dead leaves or roots that you notice. 

Lemongrass In Pots

Besides looking absolutely cute and giving your room a chic outdoor aesthetic, there are also other benefits. 

A 2010 research found that it was highly beneficial in fighting against pneumonia, skin infections, blood infections, and intestinal infections. 

Another study discovered that these refreshing herbs contain antifungal properties. They can help with ringworm, itch, and even athlete’s foot. 

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Apart from those excellent benefits, lemongrass is also known for relieving anxiety and stress. They also promote antioxidants in our bodies. Moreover, this plant is often used in aromatherapies and is highly beneficial in getting rid of migraines. 

Just to be on the safe side, we will also tell you the possible risks that have been reported. Do not grow them if you are allergic to them. Some side effects include drowsiness, increased urination, and increased appetite.

The citric aroma of the plant has been famed for getting rid of bugs as well, especially mosquitoes. Not to forget all the other benefits we have just mentioned. 

So what are you waiting for? Get a cute pot and start planting your very own homegrown lemongrass. 

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Image Credit: Oksana Bondar