
World’s Coolest Selfie? Gorillas Pose With Anti Poaching Rangers

By Mayukh Saha

April 20, 2019

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

World’s Coolest Selfie? Gorillas Pose With Anti Poaching Rangers

Selfies are a matter of skill. Finding the right angle, getting the light right, working the pose correctly: all of these come together to capture the perfect selfie. Over the years we’ve seen several famous persons work the selfie like no one else ever could. Checking all the right boxes, they have always been considered as setting the bar in clicking selfies.

But get over them Kardashians! We now have the very handsome gorillas of Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo, who are pushing all barriers in the department of taking selfies! The Virunga National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site situated in the lush forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The past few years of military turmoil in the region has left the site in danger of being open to damage from the war as wells as poaching activities. However, over 600 rangers have come together to save this Heritage Site and protect the gorillas inhabiting it. Virunga’s website presents more such information.

It also boasts of the bravery of these rangers who equip themselves with special fighting skills in order to be prepared for any sort of emergency situation. They fight off threatening elements and help save several members of the gorilla family, including the world’s critically endangered Mountain Gorillas. Even though the work of the rangers seems like a dangerous and busy one, it comes along with occasional fooling around with none other than the inhabitants of the National Park! Here are some pictures to show you a glimpse of what the workspace of an average ranger looks like: Ndakasi and Matabishi are two of the most enthusiastic gorillas living in the Park. This picture of a ranger, with the two of them flexing their muscles at the back is titled very appropriately as, “Another day at the Office”.

Another picture of Ndakasi and Matabishi is titled Family Portrait. Ranger Patrick Sadiki poses with the two to complete the family. The two of them compete to get the best selfie angle, but somehow, they just seem to have been taken by surprise or curiosity.

The third picture is of a gorilla, riding on the shoulders of a ranger, holding him affectionately. It is a heart-warming picture titled, “Words to Live By- Sagesse Intemporelle”. The words to live by, as mentioned in the caption, are, “When one is still young, it seems very simple to be a hero or a martyr. But as one marches on in life, one understands the price of a simple act of virtue, and only God can give us the strength to achieve this.”

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Thus, we see these posers working their poses and angles like none other! The rangers find their jobs heavily satisfying, especially at the end of the day, when the affection of these apes manifests itself in these pictures. Shout out to all of those who risk their lives on a daily basis to fight for our eco-heritage, as well as for the inhabitants residing within!

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