
Wikileaks Offers President Obama Help In Authenticating Russian Hacking Claims

By Jess Murray

December 25, 2016

By Jess Murray Truth Theory

Following reports that Russia was behind the leak of hacked Democratic emails during the time of the presidential election, it was recently announced that international organisation, Wikileaks, has offered to help US President Barack Obama to verify spy agencies’ assessments on the matter.

The leaked messages, which were hacked from the Democratic National Convention, as well as the account of John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, were published by Wikileaks over the summer.

Last Friday, the Wikileaks team, led by Julian Assange, tweeted saying “Obama should submit any Putin documents to WikiLeaks to be authenticated to our standards if he wants them to be seen as credible.”

This came just hours after Obama was seen in an interview on NPR to discuss the hacking, where he said that “there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections that we need to take action.”

On the following day, it was uncovered that the FBI and the US director of national intelligence, James Clapper, agreed with CIA assessments that Russia did in fact interfere with the election, in an attempt to help Donald Trump win. The CIA told reporters that its agents had found that Moscow had carried out the hacking scandal in a deliberate attempt to hurt Clinton. These revelations by the CIA are what has now prompted Obama to order a full report on Russia’s interference with the election.

Prior to the Wikileaks tweet, Assange had previously stated that Moscow was not the source of the emails, in an interview with the Russian state-funded RT channel, a channel which claims to familiarise international audiences with “a Russian viewpoint on major global events”.

Assange is currently living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London since being granted political asylum, whilst he avoids extradition to Sweden due to allegations held against him for sexually assaulting two volunteers at Wikileaks.

IMAGE CREDIT:leolintang / 123RF Stock Photo

About The Author

Jess Murray is a wildlife filmmaker and conservation blogger, having recently returned from studying wildlife and conservation in South Africa, she is now striving to spread awareness about the truth behind faux conservation facilities throughout the world. You can follow Jess on Facebook Here

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