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UN Report: The Ozone Hole May Be Completely Repaired Within Our Lifetimes

By Amanda Froelich

November 18, 2018

By Amanda Froelich

Good news! Mankind hasn’t burdened ecosystem to the point of no return. According to a new report conducted by the UN, the Ozone layer which has been devastated by ozone-depleting substances (ODS) is slowly, but surely, being repaired.

The online report says the hole in the ozone layer could be totally healed by the 2060’s. And in some areas of the world, it might even be repaired as soon as 2030. The recovery is a result of humans choosing to reduce the amount of ODS being introduced into the planet’s atmosphere.

The report, which was released last week, states that “for the first time, there are emerging indications that the Antarctic ozone hole has diminished in size and depth since the year 2000.” It continues, “the weight of evidence suggests that the decline in ODS made a substantial contribution to the observed trends.”

As Good News Networkreports, this is great news for the environment and our consciences. But, there is still much more work to be done to transition the planet to thriving on renewable energy sources and to reduce the collective footprint.

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3 Ways You Can Reduce Your Own Carbon Footprint

By now, you’ve probably heard that each of us is responsible for emitting a certain amount of greenhouse gases (usually in the form of CO2) into the atmosphere, which has the potential to exacerbate climate change. It is for this reason that individual action must be taken to save the planet. Following are 5 ways you can live as a steward of the Earth:

  1. Transportation Twenty-seven percent of U.S. greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is from transportation, according to the EPA. You can lower your carbon footprint by bicycling or walking more often, taking the bus, carpooling with other people, and driving only when necessary. You can also save up money to invest in a hybrid or electric vehicle.
  2. Reusable Grocery Bags Everybody has to eat, but no one needs to take their food home in plastic or paper bags. Cloth grocery bags are cost-effective, are available in most grocery stores, and help keep hundreds of thousands of plastic bags out of landfills and the world’s oceans. To lower your carbon footprint and to help save the planet, keep reusable grocery bags in your car and remember to use them when shopping.
  3. Eat locally cultivated foods Supermarket produce might look good, but pesticide-free, local food is much tastier, healthier, and better for the environment. Unbeknown to most people, the majority of produce in grocery stores was picked weeks before it ripened naturally, was shipped cross-country, and sits in coolers for days until it is finally stocked and sold to consumers. Far better for your long-term health, well-being and the local community is to purchase natural food cultivated locally. To produce it is less-taxing on the environment because it wasn’t shipped hundreds of miles and it is often more nutritious.

What are your thoughts? Please comment below and share this news!

IMAGE CREDIT: Andrey Armyagov