
Three Friends Climbed A Building To Save A Disabled Old Man From Fire

By Bhavinie Purohit

June 08, 2020

By  Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

In April 2020, a voluntary fire started in a 7 story building in Montereau-Fault-Yonne, France. The fire claimed the lives of a mother and her toddler daughter. Even the survivors barely managed to escape. One such survivor was an old man who got trapped in the balcony of his apartment. With smoke all around, he had no way of escaping the raging fire. But out of the blue emerged this group of three friends to save the disabled old man.

Dombaev Dzhambulat, Ouloubaev Aslan, and Ahmedov Muhsinjon are men from the Russian Republic of Chechnya and have been living in France for some years now. The trio was near the building when the fire started. When they noticed a panicked elderly man trapped on his 3rd-floor balcony, they did not hesitate. They courageously scaled the walls of the building to rescue the disabled old man before the firefighters could arrive.

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Dzhambulat said the elderly man said to him, “I am scared. I am scared. I can’t walk.” When asked of his bravery, Dzhambulat responded, “I did not have time to be afraid, I had to just go.” 


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(Seine-et-Marne, France): On April 15th, Dombaev Dzhambulat, Ouloubaev, Asla and Ahmedov Muhsinjon, three friends originally from the Russian Republic of Chechnya, were at a park in the French area of Montereau-Fault-Yonne, when they noticed a panicked elderly man trapped on his 3rd floor balcony. Without hesitation, they scaled the walls and rescued the elderly man who is disabled right before firemen got to the scene. Dzhambulat said elderly man said to him, “I am scared. I am scared. I can’t walk.” When asked of HIS bravery, Dzhambulat responded, “I did not have time to be afraid, I had to just go.” #heroes

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Dombaev and his friends got the idea of stacking trash cans to reach the first floor and then they continued climbing up. When the trio reached the old man, between themselves they managed to carry him in their arms and shifted him to an adjacent balcony. In the safe balcony, the old French man waited for the firefighters.

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This was not the first time Aslan or Dombaev had selflessly rescued people in need. In such dire situations, they did not pause to think about themselves or if they were being heroic enough for the public eye. They knew someone was in trouble and they wanted to help. And their bravery was recognized by the onlookers, who gave the three friends a warm round of applause.

Dombaev, who has been a mechanic in the country for many years, hopes to obtain residency in France. He has been in the country for 7 years and only yearns for a simple life.

We hope to see more such inspiring stories of men selflessly uniting to save others in need, be it a disabled old man or someone else in stressful situations.

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