
This Toothpaste That Comes in Tablet Form, Can Help Reduce Plastic Waste

By Mayukh Saha

May 11, 2019

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Oral hygiene – it’s something that has a major role in our life. All of us desire those pearly-whites. Plus, if you have ever had cavity in your tooth, you would know what an agonizing experience it can be. That’s why it is necessary to go to the dentist every six months. And to brush our teeth daily with proper toothpaste.

But is there a proper toothpaste out there? Well, most toothpastes are loaded with harmful chemicals that can have devastating effects on your body. Plus, if you are concerned about the planet and follow the developments, you’d know that over 1 billion toothpaste tubes go to landfills and is one of the chief products in landfills. As concerned individuals, we would do anything to drop toothpaste or go down any sustainable route – something that would not harm our body or planet, but keep our pearly-whites healthy.

Enter Lindsay McCormick and Bite Toothpaste – founded back in 2017. She has produced a tablet toothpaste which you just need to pop in your mouth and then, use your toothbrush to foam it up. It acts just like any other toothpaste – but the plus point – it does not have any kind of harmful chemicals in it like sodium lauryl sulphate. But there’s more to it. The tablet is vegan and intentionally sold in glass bottles with cardboard refill packets. The bottles tackle the problem of landfills – these are recyclable for infinite number of times, unlike even recyclable plastics which tend to go through a couple of recycling processes before ending up in landfills again.

If you are worried about quality – Lindsay has you covered. She doesn’t take any shortcuts. While most multinational companies outsource manufacturing to cheaper countries, sometimes even getting involved with sweatshops, Bite Toothpaste comes with a difference. The bottles are manufactured in the US and the ingredients are also tested so that they are the highest quality. It could be easily cheapened by outsourcing but Lindsay is not going down that route.

Lindsay was struck with this idea when she was travelling and she had nothing to use but the mini-toothpaste tubes which she knew would be harmful for the planet. She wanted to bring about a change and Bite Toothpaste came to her. She started it in her home. She started making toothpaste powder and then, she bought machines that could transform them into tablets. The first was a handheld press machine and she had to really work a lot during that time – especially when the orders starting pouring in. Then, she was singularly put it in glass bottles. The entire process was really inefficient.

But the business grew and eventually, Lindsay started a woman-run manufacturing company present in California powered by solar energy. As of now, the company has shipped approximately 12 million Toothpaste Bits in Canada, U.S. and Australia. You can get it either through subscriptions for refills or single packages too.

Lindsay is proud of her company and she hopes that it would inspire other young entrepreneurs to build something that is sustainable and good for the planet. While she knows that entrepreneurs are glamorized in the current world, she doesn’t think that’s a bad thing. If there are more people innovating for the planet – it will be amazing, not only for us, but for the planet as well.

Let’s hope the best for Lindsay and all the future entrepreneurs looking out for the planet.

Image Sources: Website