
This Thai Supermarket Replaced Plastic Packaging With Banana Leaves To Reduce Unnecessary Plastic Waste

By Mayukh Saha

May 04, 2020

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Plastic Plastic Plastic! The World is slowing getting engrossed with the rampant use of plastic. You walk into a supermarket and all you see is heaps of plastic. Even single pieces of fruits and veggies these days are wrapped all around by plastic. You might very well ignore this issue altogether but very soon we might be living in a sea full of plastics and would have no place to go unless of course, Mr. Elon Musk lands us into Mars eh?

Welcome, Rimping. You guys have definitely heard of Chiang Mai, Thailand right? It is the new hub of startups. And Digital Nomads like me, hover to this place like bees.

Rimping is the Supermarket that is trying to break out of this norm of using single-use plastic and trying to find an innovative and alternative solution to this growing problem. This alternative way is albeit interesting as a packaging material that can very well replace plastic.

Enter Banana leaves. Being situated near the equator, Thailand is a haven for Banana plantation. So, this new method is using banana leaves to wrap up the packaging and prevent the use of plastic in excess.

It is definitely not a complete foolproof method just yet as a very small amount of plastic is still required in this new technique of packaging. But this is definitely a very viable and efficient first step in the reduction of plastic waste and plastic packaging.

Let’s hope that more and more people can come up with more innovative and newer solutions to replace plastic. This surely is an amazing first step.

Kudos! To the brains behind this idea who are surely making the world a better place for our future generations and our oceans a safer place for all the endangered species of marine life.

These pictures were taken by Simon from Perfect Homes Chiang Mai limited. This is what he had to say about the idea:

“These were simple pictures taken of my mobile phone of a what I thought was a great idea. I certainly was amazed when they went viral”