
This Guy Sold Everything To Travel With His Cat

By Mayukh Saha

April 14, 2019

By Mayukh Saha / Truth Theory

Imagine a life of only traveling with your cat? Sounds impossible, right? Well, even though it is impossible, Rich East took a shot at it anyway.

Rich probably never thought that he would be any different than us. He used to work the same kind of grueling job like all of us and he knew that it was taking a major toll on his physical and mental state. Before that happened, he took a drastic step. He left his job and sold off everything that he had. He kept his cat Willow with him and together, they decided to travel – around Australia. The decision wasn’t easy for Rich, but there was a deep craving to do it, however crazy it may have sounded.

Willow is a rescue cat. While accompanying Rich, Willow has travelled over 50,000 kilometers all over Australia. They travel in a campervan and have been doing so since they departed from their home located in Hobart, Tasmania. It was about three years ago.

Last year, the two made a trip to South Australia visiting all six states and two territories of Australia. They sailed the Great Barrier Reef and have also camped on the mountains of Bourke town, Queensland and Northern Territory. Rich has met people who were shocked about his travel, not because he was going solo but he had his cat with him. But Rich knows that Willow is enjoying her tours too. He has taken precautions for her safety. Rich has put a special tracker on her so that he can keep a track on the whereabouts of Willow. With the tracker, Willow could loiter about the camp and Rich would not have anything to worry about.

Willow transformed the van into a home for Rich. As for their travels, Rich believes that they have adopted this way of life so well that he could not think of his life without it. It has been a learning experience for him. What he did is something that only dreams are made of. Many of us can only have fantasies of doing the same but lack the courage to take the risk of quitting our jobs for such an extreme but wonderful experience.

Their official site has more information on their travels too.